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Misc Questions
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Vehicle Driver

Joined: 18 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:51 am    Post subject:  Misc Questions Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I've been getting started with rules.ini and so far the results have been pretty awesome.

I have an array of various questions.

    * I tried to change the price of concrete walls to something much cheaper, I never see them used in skirmishes and I figure lowering the price significantly could tweak the meta and get people to start using them. (Same with gates!) However no matter what I do with rules.ini the price doesn't change. (But my price changes work with ever other unit)

    * I made sandbags buildable, I loved sandbags from TD. The only problem is they seem to only build one at a time, they don't connect like concrete walls. Is there any way to change this with rules.ini or failing that, a hex editor? I certainly don't mind getting my hands dirty with hex editing but not sure what to change of course. I'm sure it's just a flag somewhere.

    * Is there a nuke animation that is built into TS? I'm sure if one doesn't exist I can extract the animation frames from TD or RA and make a new warhead for it. I completed the singleplayer game but it was so many years ago I can't remember if it includes a nuke at any point. (I'm not trying to make something stupid or unbalanced, I think it might be a cool idea to include a very slow, very fragile, expensive underpowered nuke artillery like China's nuke cannon from Generals)

    * Is it possible to change the pavement size? I feel like *everything* in the game should be usable at some point in a skirmish, and to me the limiting factor for pavement is the micro it requires to place it enough to be useful. Something like 10x10 or maybe even larger would be ideal. Maybe increase the price to $500 and make it 20x20. In any case, is this possible to do with rules.ini or failing that, with a hex editor?

    * Is it possible to create mind control units, Yuri style? TS has sort of the start of this with the mutant hijacker and toxin soldier, but is it possible, for example, to create a unit that can mind control one single unit, and if the controlling unit dies, control reverts to the original owner? I'm guessing not, at least without some sort of patch, but you never know.

    * Is it possible, either via rules.ini or hex editor, to have to "keep buildings around" in order to gain the benefit of the tech? Ie every game I watch I see people build a tech center and then sell it immediately. Same with radar. To me, this feels a bit off. I prefer what I think is more the flavor / spirit of the thing, ie, you need to currently have a tech center in order to gain the tech from it. Is this change possible?

    * Finally, I'm almost positive this is not possible, but is there a way to allow infantry to garrison buildings? I would imagine this would have to require some sort of patch to the original game. Same question for infantry firing out of vehicles, like the RA2 battle fortress.

Thank you!

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E1 Elite

Joined: 28 May 2013

PostPosted: Fri Nov 18, 2022 3:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

1. Wall had hardcoding, try latest TSClient 6.0+.
2. Sandbags - try GuardRange.
3. Searh the media hut subforum for nuke anim.
4. Check Foundation in its arts. But game has limited number of sizes.
5. No mind control in TS.
6. Tech building - it is how game is coded. Vinifera extension might do or be doing  it.
7. Garrison and the other were discussed in Vinifera discord channel. My guess, may not happen or atleast in near future.

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