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Red Alert: A Path Beyond has been released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 5:01 pm    Post subject:  Red Alert: A Path Beyond has been released!
Subject description: Now powered by chaing lightning tesla coils! Beware to not be shocked when reading this news post!
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Hi everyone! W3D Hub, the leader of Red Alert: A Path Beyond, has recently released Red Alert: A Path Beyond Red Alert: A Path Beyond is a first-person shooter game that uses Command & Conquer Renegade engine and it recreates the Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1 universe as FPS. Here are the updates from Red Alert: A Path Beyond


  • The public SDK and FDS have been updated.
  • Note for anyone who uses a custom hud.ini file: There have been some changes to hud.ini, including support for HUD scaling at different resolutions, seeing players' names on target boxes, and some aesthetic changes regarding the fonts used on the weapon type and bullet count as well as the airplane airspeed/landing gear/etc. information.

[New Map]

Legends speak of an ancient village deep in the swamps of Transylvania. Once a peaceful community, it is said that they angered the forces of evil late one St George's Eve, cursing the land around them forever. The disturbances began small at first; the wolves howled a little louder, the insects buzzed harsher, and the fog rolled thicker. Then the sightings began. First, it was a light in the distance, then shapes stalking the villagers in the night, and finally, fellow townsfolk drove mad. As the afflicted destroyed their own homes, the remaining villagers took shelter in the Church, as it was the final standing refuge against the horrors lurking in the swamps. When a wandering traveler next visited the village, there was.... nothing. There were no bodies, no fresh graves, not a shred of evidence that humans once lived there, save the ruined houses and the still-standing church.

Now, Allied and Soviet forces find themselves in conflict over this very land. Each one hopes to establish their own listening post hidden away from the front lines. But they may not be alone amongst the trees...

  • Features a Barracks, Radar Dome, and Refinery for each team.
  • Limited units can be purchased via airdrop from the Radar Dome.
  • There is a church in the center of the map, with a few scattered routes surrounded by water.

[New Map]

Could it be? It could! We are bringing back Fissure, but this time it is Limited Edition Holiday Spirit Fissure™. For the uninitiated, Fissure is a classic DM map from the days of old, and it has had several iterations, from the basic tier to the tuna fish tier to the "how the hell do I get out of this tunnel?" tier. The version we are bringing back is most reminiscent of the tuna fish version (which is essentially "Tunnel Fissure" from the APB Beta era). Like our other Christmas map, we don't plan to run it in the rotation year-round, but for the holiday season as well as for any special times that players feel like playing it.

Features a Barracks and an Ore Silo for each team. The Barracks provides two credits per second, and the Ore Silos (up top as in the original) heal slowly up to half health if they are unattacked for a moment.

The thief can steal from one particular spot inside the Soviet Barracks. The objective marker will say where, and it is a small zone.


  • Airplanes landing at Airfields now destroy objects in their landing path rather than sitting on top of them.
  • Docked aircraft now refill their partially full clips along with their inventory.
  • Enabled fast weapon switching and reload dilating.
  • Added incremental sprays to jumping for all infantry weapons, excluding Sniper Rifles.
  • Surface Effect sounds now play if the surface effect detail setting is set to low.
  • Fixed human pain animations not playing.
  • Starshina bots now attack buildings.
  • Certain vehicles no longer get stuck when colliding with the Pillbox.
  • Adjusted the reload sound for Volkov to be a mix of the older and newer sounds.
  • Added the text "(default)" next to the B & M keys on the escape screen menu.
  • Fixed a missing texture that would sometimes fill the screen at game startup.
  • Miscellaneous fixes in the back end.
  • Updated credits.


  • Now scales to fit different resolutions. Players playing at 1080p may not notice much of a change.
  • Player names now show up with their target box, and the distance readout is next to the health bar instead of the armor bar.
  • Defenses that are being attacked now have their icon flash on the radar compass.
  • Weapon info uses a font consistent with bullet count font.
  • Airplane info readouts adjusted.


  • New model and texture.

Heavy Tank

  • The twin barrels fire slightly faster together.

Tesla Tank

  • Alt fire (right click) now fires a burst of three electric bolts.

Mammoth Tank

  • Missile pods no longer tilt (this fixes an issue with bots firing the cannons).
  • Missile pods now lock on after firing the primary cannon without needing to fire a missile first.

MAD Tank

  • Replaced the treads with a more appropriate style.
  • Slightly improved plunger model.


  • Reduced price to $850.
  • Projectile extension has been adjusted.

Missile Sub

  • The missiles fired by its primary weapon now slightly follow the player's cursor.

Tesla Coil

  • Has the potential to fire chain lightning.


  • Fixed an assortment of errors with textures, floating objects, stuck spots, and collisions.
  • Added a dead Refinery in the Allied base.
  • Shifted some props around the map and provided additional trees.
  • Cosmetic changes regarding ore in certain places around the map.

  • Blocked off the ability to climb a rock to get above the Soviet silo.

  • Fixed missing kill messages.

  • Fixed an access point behind the Allied base, which would let you climb a cliff meant to be inaccessible.

  • Fixed a broken string for the fuse boxes.

  • Players can no longer get out of their choppers on the hills behind the Allied base. If their vehicles are destroyed while they are up there, the characters land to their death.

  • Added some decorations to the naval area.

If you are curious about Red Alert: A Path Beyond, visit the Official Website to obtain further information about it. Red Alert: A Path Beyond is available for download Here. And this is all for today! Enjoy Red Alert: A Path Beyond and provide your feedback about it so it can get better.

Key Words: #News #Release #Renegade #RedAlertAPathBeyond 


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