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C&C Generals World War II v0.27.8 is available for download!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2022 1:17 pm    Post subject:  C&C Generals World War II v0.27.8 is available for download!
Subject description: It's gonna blow up the business of your boredom!
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Hello ladies and gentlemen! A new version of C&C Generals World War II has been released recently by their team. For those unfamiliar with it, C&C Generals World War II is a total conversion for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour with a focus on multiplayer battles in the style of the Second World War. It comes with four factions: the Allied Army, USSR, Germany, and Japan. Each sub-faction determines up to 3 specialties, which can provide unique abilities and units. Among other features, this mod brings a unique ranking system and custom textures that depend on the map and the unit's rank. Here are the updates from C&C Generals World War II v0.27.8:

General update 05.12.22
v 0.27.8


New mechanics and global balance
- Changed the frequency of detection by all types of scouts of enemy invisible units (1 time in 500 ms) so that already detected units do not disappear "to nowhere". Removed "detection circles", and left the grid on the detecting unit.
- Added a delay to Japan's Fake army ability so that it can't be used with the bug.
- Japanese infantry invisibility upgrade moved from the command center to the tech center.
- Upgrade "Explosive business" in the barracks of Germany now gives the opportunity to plant explosives for infantrymen with PP
- Added a new $2500 Intelligence Gathering upgrade to the Allied Radar. After studying it, you have the opportunity to open the entire map for a short period of time.
- Added a new upgrade, "Partisan Observers", for $2500 in the USSR radar. After studying it, you have a permanent opportunity to observe the movement of enemy artillery and heavy tanks until they are destroyed.
- Added a new upgrade, "The Fifth Column", for $2500 in the Japan Radar and the German Tech Center. After studying it, you have a constant opportunity to observe the places of collection of resources and fuel storage of the enemy until they are destroyed.
- Changed the effect and description of the "Infantry First Aid Kit" upgrade: now it increases the amount of HP of all infantry by 20%. Removed self-healing effect.
- Changed the action and description of the "Magnetic mines" upgrade: now charges immobilize vehicles for 15 seconds when triggered. With a successful detonation, with a probability of 20%, the crew of the vehicle will be destroyed.
- Clarified the description of the tripwire and dynamite upgrades.
- Increased damage and range of fire for all infantrymen with SMGs
- Reduced damage of grenades of all types. Complete reworking of the ratio of grenade damage type (frag/hammer) to armor types. Molotovs are more effective against vehicles, and fragmentation - against buildings.
- Added "free" infantry planted from the start in the following armored cars: Sdkfz222, Sdkfz232, Ba64, Ba6, Su76, DaimlerMk2, Type93. The quantity and types are different.
- Removed explosive death from mines so that allied units stop destroying their own dozers when they clear minefields.
- Rebalance of the secondary economy (more details below)
- Increased damage and range of fire for all infantrymen with SMGs
- Reduced damage of grenades of all types. Complete reworking of the ratio of grenade damage type (frag/hammer) to armor types. Molotovs are more effective against vehicles and fragmentation - against buildings.
- Added "free" infantry planted from the start in the following armored cars: Sdkfz222, Sdkfz232, Ba64, Ba6, Su76, DaimlerMk2, Type93. The quantity and types are different.
- Removed explosive death from mines so that allied units stop destroying their own dozers when they clear minefields.
- Rebalance of the secondary economy (more details below)

Unit Balance
- Fixed a bug in the allied factory commandset that allowed building an M24 Chaffee from level 1 without a production upgrade.
- Fixed duplication of hotkeys for the Allied faction: now the Jeep is built on [R], the M26 Pershing is built on [K]
- Increased HP of infantry medics (200->300)
- Increased HP of all infantry heroes to 600
- Changed the effect of the invisibility of Roza Shanina (USSR) and Hiro Onoda (Japan): now they are visible only when using abilities. In other cases, they are invisible (when shooting at infantry - too).
- Changed the effect of invisibility for all infantry: now they are visible only when using abilities and shooting. In other cases, they are invisible (when using magnetic mines - too).
- Increased reload time t34-85 (3500ms -> 4500ms)
- Changed the price of sdkfz232
- Changed the price of sdkfz251 (700->875)
- Changed the price of motorcycles
- Fixed motorcycle armor bug (damage from anti-aircraft guns and infantry rifles did not pass if the shooter was dropped from the sidecar)
- Increased the HP of all stationary guns built by dozers. 1 stationary gun should be more effective than 3 light tanks.
- The locomotive of the Japanese kamikaze aircraft has been changed (it used to be like a fighter, but now the dynamics and speed are like a bomber).
- Reduced the HP of the Japanese kamikaze aircraft.
- Reduced the splash radius from the explosion of the Japanese kamikaze plane.

Graphic arts
- Added visual effect of engine/gas tanks burning for some tanks when HP is low

- All transport planes for resupply drop zones are given no damage armor to avoid triggering AA and Aircraft (many complaints that the constant "unit attacked" alerts are very annoying to players)

Special abilities of generals and superweapons
- Fixed work of SW "Immediate Repair".
- Reduced the number of aircraft HP from the "air dominance" ability from 20000 to 5000
- Decreased the duration of aircraft from the "air dominance" ability:
= for level 1 from 30 to 20 sec
= for level 2 from 60 to 40 sec
- Increased the amount of HP for all superweapons (you need to use at least 2 HP, not just one to destroy it):
= USSR mass production plant: 3400 -> 5500
= all other nations: 3000 -> 4500
- Changed the number of units produced by the USSR Mass Production Plant at a time:
\u003d T-34-85 - 4 pcs.
= SU-85 - 3 pcs.
= SU-122 - 3 pcs.
=Katusha - 2pcs.

Known Issues
- Random triggering of the upgrade of the German secondary (incam of the synthetic fuel plants does not always change after the upgrade). If the problem is not resolved, there will be a small additional patch before the tournament, where with the setting of the average value of $
- Panthers and pz3 can't shoot smoke after upgrading to armor
- Random problems with the work of AI on the maps (the logic of their work has not been corrected for a very long time)

You can check more information about C&C Generals World War II by visiting the Official Website. You can grab the latest version of C&C Generals World War II by clicking Here. And that's all regarding C&C Generals World War II for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about C&C Generals World War II!

Key Words: #News #Release #Generals #ZeroHour #GeneralsWorldWar2 

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