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Zero Hour Enhanced Updates: Claws of the Eagle Part 2
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 11:54 am    Post subject:  Zero Hour Enhanced Updates: Claws of the Eagle Part 2
Subject description: How about a lift? Got room for five!
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VectorIV, the leader of Zero Hour Enhanced, has recently posted some of the progress done with Zero Hour Enhanced. For those unaware, Zero Hour Enhanced is a modification for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour that enhances the gameplay experience of the game according to VectorIV's visions. Here is what was shared about it:

First of those, the classic Humvee. Not so many big changes except the fact that I made HMG and TOW launcher mutually exclusive, meaning that the old boring meta is now dead. Why would you make such a controversial change, though, you might ask because I can.

Now talking about the Avenger, you may be asking: "why diD You TAkE aWAY thOse CoOl Aa laSERs And POInT dEfensEs" to which I answer, well, lasers should be exclusive to laser general. You know, like other laser stuff like Laser Crusader, Laser Paladin, Laser Ranger, Laser Comanche, Laser Ambulance, etc. So, in real-life Avengers should be the standard model that most NATO generals utilize.

Does that mean that the Avenger sucks now??? Quite the opposite, actually. This Avenger can engage both ground and air targets with HMG and missiles. Lots and lots of missiles.

They might down very quickly and uncharacteristically to AT munitions, but why worry about that when you can destroy the enemy before they can even fire?
Anyway, you can cope with it because this decision is final.

The ambulance is, well, Ambulance. Now cooler with animations and deployed wide healing aura. The medicine sprayer is taken out, though, because, in America, there's no demand for healthcare. Everyone knows you just need a empty hospital with no personels with wide AoE, and people would just automatically heal over time.

NATO M1151 'Humvee' Light Protected Vehicle is NATO most iconic and ubiquitous fast attack vehicle. They can be founded literally in all corners of the globe, including non-NATO territories People's Republic of China, the Middle East, Africa, Bahrain, etc.

First deployed in Operation Just Cause for peacekeeping operations, it has since then becomes NATO's reliable and effective means of troops mobilisation.

Capable of performing various roles such as mass transportation, reconnaissance, raiding operations or hit & run anti-tank missions, it's considered by many observers to perform better than its Chinese counterpart, the CSK-131.

Armaments: M2 'Ma Deuce' 12.7mm air-defense machine gun or (upgradable) BGM-71D 'TOW' 152mm anti-tank missile launcher.

NATO AN/TWQ-1 'Avenger' Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun is NATO's fast attack anti-aircraft system. It can engage both ground and air targets, though not both at the same time.

Despite having only one HMG, unlike many SPAAG with autocannons or Gatling cannons, it's equipped with more than 8 FIM-92 'Stinger' anti-air missile launchers making it a force to be reckoned with.

Armaments: 8x FIM-92 'Stinger' anti-air missile launchers and M2 'Ma Deuce' 12.7mm air-defense heavy machine gun.

NATO M1151 'Medic Humvee' Tactical Ambulance is where NATO troops go when they're injured, in need of combat stimulants, or just wanna take a nap to avoid real-life duties.

The Medic Humvee provides Tactical Healing which is different from normal Healing because it's Tactical.
Also capable of mass transportation and light reconnaissance, players still have a reason actually to build them.

Despite having the red cross symbol plastered over its soft top, it's still not invulnerable to artillery or weapons of mass destruction.

Please build the Medic Humvee. I swear it's still useful.

Oh, right, it's almost the new year. Happy new year, and see you all next year, I guess, bye.

You can check more information about Zero Hour Enhanced by visiting the ModDB Profile. And that's all regarding Zero Hour Enhanced for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Zero Hour Enhanced!

Key Words: #News #ZeroHourEnhanced #Generals #ZeroHour 


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