*Original Model by MadHQ
Medivac Chopper
Affiliation: Eagle Commandos
Weapons: Medi-Beam
Role: Medical Support Helicopter
Cost: 1200
Speed: Fast
Armor: Aircraft Plating (Chopper) / Concrete (Outpost)
Hitpoints: 300
Movement: Air
Requirements: Armor Facility & Satelite Uplink
Additional Info:
- Replaces the Ambulance for the Eagle Commandos
- Deploys into Medivac Outpost
The Medivac Chopper is a unique vehicle that replaces the Ambulance within the Eagle Commando's arsenal. The Medivac has superior mobility thanks to its ability to move unhindered in the air. Much like the Ambulance the Medivac Chopper is also able to undeploy into a Stationary Support Structure. In this case it is the Medivac Outpost. Aside from also healing nearby infantry or fully healing infantry by being ordered to enter the Outpost. The Medivac Outpost also provides a temporary armor buff to nearby infantry within their radius.