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Zero Hour Enhanced Updates: Claws of the Eagle Part 3
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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 18, 2023 10:42 pm    Post subject:  Zero Hour Enhanced Updates: Claws of the Eagle Part 3
Subject description: How about a show of force?
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VectorIV, the leader of Zero Hour Enhanced, has recently shared some progress done with this project with the public. For those unfamiliar with it, Zero Hour Enhanced is a modification for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour that enhances the gameplay experience of the game according to VectorIV's visions. Here is what you need to know about the progress on Zero Hour Enhanced:

Hello again. It's the first update blog of this year, yay—this time about artillery featuring, well, artillery only.

The first of the units is the Paladin tank SPG. Arguably confused the shit out of wiki warriors back in the day, considering vZH Paladin is an entirely different thing, but it just hijacked the name, Paladin. So now, to confuse the OG vZH players who are not into reading IRL lore, I'm making the Paladin Paladin again.

"What's the difference between M109A6 and the PLZ-05?" you might ask. Aside from minute flavor stats, the PLZ-05 can now use burst firing bombardment, while the M109A6 can use precision bombardment.
I swear they're different units.

Next is the Himars. I guess I don't really introduce it at this point, considering all the memes and news all there. "Why not the M270 like the previous iteration?" you might ask. Well, I just wanted to switch things up for the time being, and that's all there is to it, really. Case closed.

But in all seriousness, the M270 is a lot more powerful than your standard 40 tubes 122mm MRL and probably a lot more expensive. Hence the "lite" version is more suitable for the same tier of the unit.
The M270 will probably make a comeback in the future, just not anytime soon.

Lastly is the Gryphon or commonly known as Tomahawk Launcher. If you've known what the IRL version looks like, it doesn't look like the vZH at all. It's a very, very long truck, and I mean a LONG truck like the long cat meme with 4 launchers on the trailer part.

With that being said, it presents two main issues.
First, 4 launchers of Tomahawk missiles are just overkill in the ZHE balance. Essentially you have 4 super precise death rays per each Grpyhon and you can have a few Grpyhon meaning it's basically gg for the enemy.
Second, it's very vulnerable in wheeled chassis. Not only that it's super slow, but it takes lots of space, meaning once the enemy knows where you park it, *POOF* it's gone
So I came to the conclusion that I guess people just wouldn't want to use it. It's stupid to use offensively and defensively. It's basically just a NATO iron curtain for ground units.
Hence I stuck mostly with the OG design. It might not be efficient IRL, but it does have the cool factor, so whatever.

"Mostly"? What changed, you might ask. Well, The turret is mostly the same design, but I changed the chassis design using the XM2001's design since it does have a futuristic and prototype feel to it.
The missile is also changed to be more accurate to its IRL counterpart, especially its small wings when it's cruising time.

NATO M109A6 'Paladin' Self-propelled Artillery is NATO's veteran indirect-fire support and the hammer of the shock & awe doctrine. It can punch through enemy fortifications with ease, thanks to the 155mm gun. Capable of firing precision munitions, it excels at counter-battery firing and eliminating strategic targets. Seeing many battles in various wars ever since the Vietnam war, it has evolved and hardened throughout time to be the SPG of time.

Mounting the M109A6 with an optional M2, 'Ma Deuce' HMG gunner increases its effectiveness against enemy infantry, vehicle, attack helicopter, and low-flying aircraft while also increasing the line of sight.

It doesn't come equipped with pre-installed smoke grenade dischargers, but they can become available via a local upgrade. Despite that fact, M109A6 can still use its engine as a smoke screen generator to create a small smoke screen surrounding it in case of emergency.

Armaments: Self-propelled 155mm M284 cannon and (upgradable) pintle-mounted M2 'Ma Deuce' 12.7mm air-defense machine gun.

NATO M142 'Himars' Self-propelled Multiple Rocket Launcher, with the M270 being very costly to deploy to remote and often distant theatres, is NATO's answer to rapid deployment of soft firepower to maintain peace across various regions of the world. Despite having only 6 launchers, each rocket packs a heavy punch that penetrates through the enemy main battle tank armor fairly with ease. Having to fire fewer munitions per volley also means it can deliver massive firepower and relocate very quickly before the enemy could even initiate counter-battery fire, but that comes with the cost of being very ineffective up against CIWS. It produces lots of smoke when firing, giving away its position, but also very agile that it can easily dodge the enemy's counter-batteries.

Armaments: Self-propelled 227mm multiple rocket launcher

NATO BGM-109G 'Gryphon' Transporter Erector Launcher is NATO's ultimate shock & awe arsenal and the embodiment of the doctrine. As its name suggests, the "Gyphon" with the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle, can deliver highly precise and swift devastation to its enemy. Capable of firing with an advanced GPS precision guidance system, it's arguably the most precise and deadly tactical missile launcher to this date. Originally disarmed under the INF Treaty, NATO has once again initiated its rearmament of the legendary land-based "Tomahawk" cruise missile launcher in its defense against the red menace, and by the red menace, I mean social security. Unlike its former wheeled variant, this tracked variant allows it to dodge the enemy's counter-batteries with ease making it versatile in both defensive and offensive operations. It's undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

Armaments: Self-propelled BGM-109G Tomahawk cruise missile launcher

That's about it, really. See you in the next update when my creative writer juice kicks in again.

You can check more information about Zero Hour Enhanced by visiting the ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Zero Hour Enhanced!

Key Words: #News #ZeroHourEnhanced #Generals #ZeroHour 


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