Can somebody please add HVA for these models? With no experience of creating those, tried to auto-create them via Yvory editor, but game crashes as soon as unit is created. QUICK_EDIT
HVAs aren't even hard, just use HVA builder and play with bounds/positions. Go look around the forums for 2.18b, namely in the SVN located in its respective forum.
I keep seeing necros from you on several year-old threads for the most asinine things that should come as common knowledge to all basic tinkerers by now. The models here are 5 years old, and not everyone can be assed to fulfill such a menial request just for you after such a long time. The software older voxel artists use are so simple that you don't have an excuse to be "inexperienced". Do yourself and others a favor by learning some of the basics. (: QUICK_EDIT
VXLSE doesn't create HVA, that's why i used Yvory. What am i missing?
Strange thing is that hva created by Yvory should be fine, at least OS HVA Builder shows it properly.. but game still crashes.
HVA Builder shows it fine, but you have to actually save it to get the .hva which the game needs. Without the .hva present the game will crash.
One thing though, if HVA Builder shows your turret well behind the centerline, and you didn't specify a TurretOffset, then it will be floating off the vehicle when it rotates. You need to make sure both turret and vehicle are centered on those axis lines, with the exception being the height offset, which you can retain. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
HVA Builder shows already saved .hva files created by Yvory, and surely i put those along with .vxl files in game. Or do you mean i must re-save those .hva again in HVA Builder so it make some "magic"?
I didn't specify a TurretOffset, but it's specified by author of model and is build-in. Finding a proper offset if turret will be floating is not of such a problem - crash is main one. QUICK_EDIT
Well if Yvory's .hva is still causing a crash, then maybe resaving it with HVA Builder will do the trick.
While you're in there, check the transforms in the header, if you see lots of long numbers, reset those to 0... then reload it to see if it needs readjusting.
Also you can't save the TurretOffset in the voxel in any manner, that's an art.ini function, so like I said, if your turret is behind the centerline without specifying the offset, it's going to be wrong in game the moment it turns. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Re-saved with HVA Builder, shifted turret to centre of axis(though Creator exactly put turret out of centre), checked for no big numbers in header of unit or turret = still crash. Guess i give up on this model.
G-E wrote:
Also you can't save the TurretOffset in the voxel in any manner, that's an art.ini function, so like I said, if your turret is behind the centerline without specifying the offset, it's going to be wrong in game the moment it turns.
Think of it like this, there is an origin point around which every voxel rotates, a turret with a barrel sticking far out front doesn't rotate halfway in the middle, but at the center of the turret, so the origin is usually offset. This is however independent of where on the base voxel the turret should sit.
Now you can approach this a couple of ways, if you center the turret voxel into the notional center of the turret mass, where the turret ring is, and then also center the vehicle on the same turret ring, regardless of how far forward or rearward the hull actually sits, then you don't need a TurretOffset value, as they both line up origin to origin. If however the turret sits forward on the body, and you don't want the rear of the tank to stick out too far behind it's point of rotation, which is usually the center of the tracks that touch the ground, then you shift the tank hull forward, while keeping the turret position still centered as described above, you then use TurretOffset to shift it fore/aft to where you need it.
If you open the voxel in VXLSE and open the voxel header, those values of +/- determine the bounds, whichever pixel layer is zero is the axis. Thus a 70px long turret with barrel will probably have a 50/20 split in bounds values away from zero. Don't try to align it in VXLSE I'm just pointing you to the data that will help you understand the function.
Stucuk's HVA Builder WIP7 has a TurretOffset field in the bottom left, and it is accurate to how the game renders.
Thank you for all the explanations, i started all over, created HVA exactly in HVA Builder without other editors, and that solved the crash problem. BTW i was still using 2.1 so will update.
Shame there is no app for easy 3d viewing of voxel and determining FLH. QUICK_EDIT
The grid you see in WIP7 corresponds to 50 leptons per line, a cell is 512 leptons along one axis, so the cell borders are just over 5 lines away from the centerlines in any direction. This is important for FLH calculation, use the lines on the ground to estimate the F, L is probably zero anyway, and H is about half the distance upward per lepton... note that estimating FLH should be done with no TurretOffset, since FLH is relative to the turret not the body. I recommend opening the turret voxel by itself when trying to set FLH values.
TurretOffset uses a different measurement that's half as many as the leptons, 256 per cell, so it's easy enough to divide by 2. Thus 5 lines away is 125, while the cell border is 128 away from center. You can see my TurretOffset for the image above moves the turret 2 lines rearward with -50.
PS. One obnoxious aspect of trying to set FLH for a muzzle flash anim, is that most such anims aren't properly centered, so you might find the right FLH, but that particular anim will be incorrectly placed, while a different anim might be perfect. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
WIP7 didn't work for me, WIP6 did.
Kinda shame the calculations in measurement are so different, i'd wish the editor could have a "calculator" of sorts. Showing the coordinates of voxel when you directly point at it would help too, but Stucuk said he doesn't work on this app any more. QUICK_EDIT
OS VoxelViewer has an FLH finder, but as I've explained to Banshee it is wildly inaccurate for simple reasons, he just hasn't fixed them yet.
Is that accurate for 1.84 too? Is it an inaccurate in recalculation of voxels and leptons or smth else? Visually that implementation would be really handy if numbers will correspond correctly.Indeed, super inaccurate, seems like calculations made wrong. QUICK_EDIT
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