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C&C Power Play V.1.104 has been released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 4:09 am    Post subject:  C&C Power Play V.1.104 has been released!
Subject description: Factories are working in full load, non-stop!
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Howdy! The current work on C&C Power Play by NeverLoseGuy does not stop, and he has done a lot to fix the original 1.1 version. The latest release seems to be 1.104. For those who are not acquainted with it, C&C Power Play is a total conversion modification for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour. It comes with 5 original factions (Vulkan, Fulgura, Lamina, Solisia, and Demons) and several new units and gameplay quirks to deal with. Here are the goodies that come with C&C Power Play V.1.104:



- Decreased the passive income of small Supply Piles from 100 to 50.
- Destroying an enemy Command Center now grants $5000 to the killer.
- Tech Artillery Platform now has a minimum attack range of 100 to match the Command Centers.
- Decreased the Command Center's upgraded weapon cooldown from 6000 to 3000.
- Tooltips now display units that can capture buildings and supplies.
- Updated the base SDK files from Gen 2.0 to use the latest version (link:
- The Bonus Crates no longer have a chance to cause nuclear winter upon triggered by a unit (thanks, Sgtmyers88!).
- Updated the tooltip descriptions for factions.
- AI armies are now referred to as "Normal, Hard, and Brutal".
- Updated the team color to be more distinguishable from one another.
- Add more team colors in addition to the current swatch.
- Increased the build cost of the units to prevent the players from having an obscene amount of money and thus invalidating some factions' weaknesses (see below).
- Adjusted the upgrade cost for tiering up:
- Increased the Tier Up 1 cost from 1000 to 2500.
- Increased the Tier Up 2 cost from 2000 to 5000.
- Increased the Tier Up 3 cost from 4000 to 10000.

- The cost of the units is adjusted as follows:
- Increased Prophet's build cost from 1000 to 1250.
- Increased Zealot's build cost from 1500 to 2000.
- Increased Crusader's build cost from 2000 to 3000.
- Increased Warden's build cost from 2500 to 5000.
- Increased Priest's build cost from 2500 to 5000.
- Increased Bishop's build cost from 4000 to 8000.

- Increased Prophet's ammo count from 3 to 4.
- Decreased Prophet's burst cooldown from 500 to 250.
- Increased Bishop's weapon damage from 500 to 600.

- The cost of the units is adjusted as follows:
- Whiplash's build cost remains unchanged (2500).
- Increased Fake Whiplash's build cost from 2000 to 2500.
- Increased Ignis' build cost from 2000 to 4000.
- Increased Double-Barreled Ignis' build cost from 3000 to 5000.
- Increased Ignis Prime's build cost from 2500 to 3000.
- Increased Robus' build cost from 3000 to 6000.
- Increased Bothynus' build cost from 3000 to 6000.
- Increased Pugnax' build cost from 4000 to 8000.

- Increased Ignis Prime's weapon range from 150 to 200.
- Decreased Pugnax' weapon range from 200 to 150.

- The cost of the units is adjusted as follows:
- Defender's build cost remains unchanged (1000).
- Increased Enforcer's build cost from 1200 to 1500.
- Increased Lawmaker's build cost from 2000 to 2500.
- Increased Peacemaker's build cost from 2500 to 5000.
- Increased Watcher's build cost from 2500 to 6000.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's build cost from 4000 to 8000.

- Increased Peacemaker's weapon damage from 90 to 100.

- The cost of the units is adjusted as follows:
- Increased Rat's build cost from 600 to 800.
- Increased Fake Rat's build cost from 1200 to 1600.
- Increased Cobra's build cost from 800 to 1500.
- Increased Python's build cost from 1000 to 2000.
- Increased Boa's build cost from 1200 to 4000.
- Increased Warthog's build cost from 1200 to 4000.
- Increased Lion's build cost from 2000 to 6000.

- Increased Boa's weapon damage from 80 to 100.

- The cost of the units is adjusted as follows:
- Increased Termite's build cost from 800 to 1000.
- Increased Scarab's build cost from 900 to 1500.
- Increased Harbinger's build cost from 1200 to 2000.
- Increased Vanguard's build cost from 1600 to 4000.
- Increased Hellstorm's build cost from 2500 to 6000.
- Increased Baron's build cost from 3000 to 8000.

- Decreased Termite's health from 400 to 300.
- Increased Harbinger's health from 800 to 1000.
- Decreased Vanguard's weapon damage from 120 to 100.
- Decreased Vanguard's weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Decreased Baron's movement speed from 25 to 20.
- Decreased Baron's acceleration from 25 to 20.


- Updated the Supply Piles to have a proper hitbox.
- Updated the Command Center's weapon to have its natural pitch at 25 degrees.
- Further customized the ControlBarPro to make the colors in UI more coherent with each other.
- Increased the resolution of faction emblems in UI.
- Removed Vanilla ZH shell map from appearing on the main menu.
- Adjusted the file structure to prevent the .scb files from not being read.
- Adjusted the acceleration and rotation rate of the units (see below).

- All Solisian units now take 2 seconds to reach their top speed.
- Decreased Prophet's turn rate from 180 to 120.
- Decreased Zealot's turn rate from 180 to 90.
- Decreased Crusader's movement speed from 30 to 25.
- Decreased Crusader's turn rate from 120 to 90.
- Decreased Warden's movement speed from 30 to 25.
- Decreased Warden's turn rate from 120 to 60.
- Increased Priest's movement speed from 20 to 25.
- Decreased Priest's turn rate from 120 to 90.
- Increased Bishop's movement speed from 20 to 25.
- Decreased Bishop's turn rate from 120 to 60.

- All Vulkanic units now take 0.5 seconds to reach their top speed.

- All Fulguran units now take 1 second to reach their top speed.
- Increased Lawmaker's turn rate from 60 to 90.

- All Lamini units now take 0.5 seconds to reach their top speed.
- Decreased Cobra's turn rate from 180 to 120.
- Decreased Boa's movement speed from 25 to 30.

- All Demonic units now take 1 second to reach their top speed.
- Termite's hotkey is now R to prevent overlapping with the Tier Up command.
- Decreased Termite's turn rate from 180 to 120.
- Decreased Scarab's turn rate from 180 to 120.
- Increased Harbinger's movement speed from 25 to 30.
- Increased Vanguard's movement speed from 25 to 30.
- Decreased Hellstorm's turn rate from 180 to 90.
- Hellstorm can now attack without turning its hull around.
- Increased Baron's movement speed from 20 to 25.

A new update is now available in GenLauncher, as well as in the files section. Simply update it with the aforementioned program, or download and install it manually in the ZH folder.

You can learn more about C&C Power Play by visiting the ModDB Profile. Download C&C Power Play Here. And this is all for today! Enjoy C&C Power Play and provide your feedback about it so it can get better.

Key Words: #News #Release #Generals #ZeroHour #CnCPowerPlay 


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