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DTA: First half of TD GDI Co-Op campaign released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:26 am    Post subject:  DTA: First half of TD GDI Co-Op campaign released!
Subject description: We want you, against the Nod terrorists!
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Hi everyone! Earlier this month, Dawn of the Tiberium Age 9.9.0 was released, as we announced here. Recently, they've posted a proper explanation of some of the new features of this version for us at their ModDB profile. For those who are not acquainted with it, Dawn of the Tiberium Age is a stand-alone mod for Tiberian Sun that combines Tiberian Dawn (Command & Conquer 95) and Red Alert featuring a classic mode and an enhanced mode. Here is what was posted about it:


We released the first half of our Co-Op remake of the Tiberian Dawn GDI campaign earlier this week, just as we promised a few weeks ago. There's a total of 7 missions out there for you to play with your friend(s)!

  • GDI 01: X16-Y42
  • GDI 02: Air Supremacy
  • GDI 03: Stolen Property
  • GDI 04: Restoring Power
  • GDI 05 A: Havoc
  • GDI 05 B: Destroy the Airstrip
  • GDI 06: Doctor Mobius

To access these missions, simply go to CnCNet, host a new game room, and select "Co-Op" with your preferred difficulty as the game mode.

We also got the campaign videos to work. To enable them, both players must have the "Ingame Videos" component installed and up-to-date in the options menu of our client.

We're excited to hear your feedback considering the missions, so if you play them, please drop us a message here on ModDB or on our Discord server! The rest of the campaign will follow later on the spring.

Are you picking this up?

However, the Co-Op campaign isn't everything that our latest update contains. We also have some balance improvements, bug fixes and engine improvements.

There was a consensus among our highest-skilled players that Nod was too strong, and also suffered from "internal" imbalances. This was largely because of their epic units: both of Nod's epics are proficient in direct combat, which made regular offensive units like Light tanks partially obsolete for Nod in the late-game. This was made worse by us moving the Cyborg from T4 to T3 earlier to balance the "power ramp" of Nod's tech tree, which made Nod's mid-game more powerful. To offset both the overall and faction-internal balance issues, we nerfed the Cyborg's veterancy bonuses and the Illuminator overall.

We haven't felt fully satisfied with the Soviet Behemoth for a long time now. While it has had its place in the game (particularly as counter-artillery), it has been too weak. We now made its shots more accurate (it can still miss moving targets, though), and while exploring options to buff it, we also realized its veterancy bonuses were weak compared to other epic units, so we improved them.

For game engine improvements, there's several small but important ones, improving gameplay, harvester AI, as well as the atmosphere of the game. To avoid repeating myself, I'll just copy them over from the change log:

  • Added: You can now assign rally points to Service Depots.
  • Changed: Harvesters now consider distance to refinery when selecting which Tiberium patch to harvest.
  • Changed: Submarines now use the submerging sound effect from Red Alert instead of the regular cloaking sound effect.
  • Changed: The AI now also considers large groups of infantry a potentially lucrative nuke target.
  • Changed: The Nuke now additionally spawns some flames on the ground of the impact area.
  • Fixed: Several long-ranged units slowed down to fire one or two cells before they actually got within firing range.
  • Fixed: Multiple bugs that could cause automated saves (in both singleplayer and multiplayer) to get corrupted.

With this patch we've also started making use of the full version of the Vinifera engine extension originally made by CCHyper and tomsons26, with custom DTA-specific customizations applied by us; previously we only used a small subset of Vinifera features. Practically this doesn't have a very big effect yet, but it paves the way for all kinds of advanced game engine improvements in the future.

Finally, mappers have new toys in the form of horizontal and vertical walls and a corpse overlay that allows making some disturbingly gore-y scenes, like the one above.

For the full change log, see our change log page.

We hope you'll have fun with our Tiberian Dawn co-op remake missions as we continue working on the latter half of the campaign!

For further information about Dawn of the Tiberium Age, visit its Forums at PPM, ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel. Download Dawn of the Tiberium Age 9.9.0 here. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Dawn of the Tiberium Age!

Key Words: #News #TiberianSun #Firestorm #DawnOfTheTiberiumAge 


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