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GitHub Copilot chat for Visual Studio 2022
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Supreme Banshee

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Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:31 am    Post subject:  GitHub Copilot chat for Visual Studio 2022
Subject description: C.A.B.A.L.Online = true;
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Greetings! If you live on planet Earth, which I believe all of you do, you might have heard about ChatGPT recently. You know that chatbot generative AI which is able to produce text, code, and whatever else, right? And you have probably heard that Microsoft is trying to insert it into everything they have. So, our news today is about Github Copilot, which is being for Visual Studio.

For those unaware, Visual Studio is one of the most famous commercial code editors that supports several programming languages, multiple tabs, plugins, etc. It runs on Windows and macOS. Visual Studio comes with several editions, and the Community Edition is free for personal use and for companies with up to 5 users/devices.

And the idea is that this Github Copilot will help you to code things or... code things for you. It should speed things up a lot... however, there is a catch: it uses your data (your code) to get trained. So, we strongly do not recommend its use of projects with proprietary, confidential code. I.e., you should not use it in your job if you do not produce open-source projects there because your code may end up in the code of your competitors. If this is not your case, read on the latest Visual Studio 2022 blog post about GitHub Copilot chat:

GitHub Copilot has become a trusted AI-assisted pair programmer helping to auto-complete comments and code more productively. That’s just the beginning, though! We’ve been working to evolve Copilot to move beyond code completion and provide enhanced AI assistance that you can access throughout your development lifecycle, whatever task you happen to be doing at the time.

Copilot chat in Visual Studio
We’re bringing fully integrated AI-powered Copilot chat experiences to Visual Studio. This is no ordinary chat! With tight integration in Visual Studio, it understands what you’re working on. That means it can quickly help you get in-depth analysis and explanations of how a code block works, generate unit tests, and even find and get proposed fixes to bugs or explain exceptions. Check out the video below to see what we mean. And this is just the start.  Watch out for more AI assistance across your whole lifecycle as we continue to develop Copilot. Already excited? Sign up for the private preview below.

With GitHub Copilot chat, if you find yourself needing more information, you can ask it to explain the code you’re working on. When you hit an error, ask Copilot to help fix it and generate unit tests. If an exception gets thrown, ask Copilot to help you figure out possible causes and even suggest fixes. By gathering the right data from Visual Studio, Copilot grasps your intent and helps you form exactly the right question to get useful answers. Using GitHub Copilot with Visual Studio gives you more time for creativity by spending less time on boilerplate manual tasks and diagnosis.

Sign up for the private preview

We’ll be sharing GitHub Copilot Chat for Visual Studio with a private preview soon – just sign up to be wait-listed.

For further information about Visual Studio, visit its Official Website. And this is all we can offer for today regarding Visual Studio!

Key Words: #News #VisualStudio 


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