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Combined Arms 0.91 Pre Release #2 is now available for download!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:47 pm    Post subject:  Combined Arms 0.91 Pre Release #2 is now available for download!
Subject description: This game has been upgraded with an upgraded upgrading system that upgrades your perspective of it.
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Howdy! Inqubi, the leader of Combined Arms, has recently published Combined Arms 0.91 Pre Release #2. For those unaware of what is being written here, Combined Arms is a mod for OpenRA that emulates the old Command & Conquer games gameplay and brings five factions to the battlefield: Allies, Soviets, GDI, Nod, and Scrin. It features new units and support powers for these factions. It also features new graphics and sound effects. Here is the official announcement from Combined Arms's staff about Combined Arms 0.91 Pre Release #2:


  • New upgrades system to allow easier upgrading of units. Existing units superseded by an upgrade can be retrofitted via SD with a new upgrade command.
  • Added "Multi-Queue Scaled" lobby option, which makes production structures after the first in each queue cost significantly more until T2/T3 upgrades are purchased to make them cheaper.


  • Base Sniper no longer auto-targets vehicles and must aim before firing. Increased range to 8.5.
  • Moved Raufoss upgrade to T3. Reduces range to 7.
  • Increased SEAL movement speed & reduced detonation and cooldown times of C4.
  • Reduced Mirage Tank damage vs. infantry a little, so it takes one fewer shot to kill instead of 2.
  • Base IFV range from 5.5 to 4.75. Reverted buff vs. light armor.
  • Reduced Rifle IFV damage vs. buildings.
  • Raider APC vision increased by 1. Increased damage vs. infantry. Reduced damage vs. buildings. Existing APCs must be upgraded via SD.
  • Temporal Flux allows Chrono Tank to teleport twice before recharging. Reduced Chrono Tank damage vs. infantry and speed.
  • Chrono Prison can now drain Scrin aircraft shields and erase Iron Curtained units.
  • Increased Battle Fortress HP from 110k to 115k.
  • Increased Scout Tank vision by 1 to match other T1 tanks.
  • Increased Arty cost to 650. Reduced rate of fire. Reduced damage vs. defenses. Reduced damage and splash radius vs heavy armor.
  • Rebalanced Tesla Tank around a higher rate of fire and good damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Tesla Track damage and rate of fire. Increased HP from 20k to 22k. Reduced arcing damage.
  • Increased Siege Tank price to 1500. Reduced damage vs. heavy armor. Reduced concussion radius and duration.
  • Increased Brute HP, speed, and damage vs. vehicles.
  • Increase the HP of Yuri from 15k to 20k. Increase vision by 1.
  • Increased V2 cost from 800 to 850 (was 900 previously).
  • Increased Eradicator damage vs. heavy.
  • Slight increase to V2/V3 splash damage.
  • Increased Mammoth Tank/Eradicator rate of fire.
  • Reduced Comanche vision by 1.
  • Increased Black Hand Trooper speed. Increased damage vs. moving targets.
  • Reduced Microwave Tank reload time a little.
  • Increased Arty/Howitzer cost to 650. Reduced rate of fire. Reduced damage vs. defenses. Reduced damage and splash radius vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Howitzer speed and turn rate.
  • Increased Obelisk rate of fire slightly.
  • Increased Flame Tank & Heavy Flame Tank damage vs. defenses. Reduced speed a little.
  • Shadow Team gliders are now cloaked.
  • Increased Light Tank vision by 1 to match other T1 tanks.
  • Increased JumpJet vision by one and damage vs. infantry.
  • Increased Bombardier range by 0.5.
  • Disruptor now applies concussion with Sonic Amplifiers upgrade.
  • Battle Drone and Mammoth Drone no longer come with free Mini Drone but gain self-repair (and improved self-repair).
  • Increased point defense shield/laser recharge time.
  • Gryo Stabilizers upgrade moved to tier 4.
  • Increased XO HP from 30k to 32k. Increased damage vs. tanks. Reduced vs. infantry.
  • Increase MLRS & HMLRS HP by 2k. Increased base damage, damage vs. buildings, and reduced the splash drop-off near the center of the explosion.
  • Reduced HMLRS speed slightly.
  • Added air-to-air capability to JumpJet Trooper.
  • Existing APCs must be upgraded to Vulcan via SD.
  • Increased Mammoth Tank/Titan/Railgun Titan/Hover Mammoth/Ion Mammoth/Mammoth Drone rate of fire.
  • Increased Leecher price from 950 to 1000. Reduced turn speed a little more. Remove lifesteal completely with Coalescence upgrade instead of reducing it. Partially revert damage nerf vs. buildings.
  • Reduce Stormcrawler damage vs. heavy armor slightly.
  • Ion Conduits triggered on taking damage as well as attacking.
  • Blink Packs upgrade moved to tier 3. Reduced cost to 750. Teleport has an additional range.
  • Mothership creates wormholes at a targeted location.
  • Feeders move 20% faster when charged. Increased vision to 7.
  • Increase the HP of Mastermind from 15k to 20k. Increase vision by 1.
  • Reduced Rifle/Minigunner/Warrior damage vs. heavy armor a little (it was previously increased by 50%).
  • Flak vest mitigation reduced against Devastator Warship.

If you are curious about Combined Arms, visit the ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel to obtain further information about it. Combined Arms is available for download Here. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Combined Arms!

Key Words: #News #PlayTest #OpenRA #CombinedArms 


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