Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:19 pm Post subject:
C&C Executable Modifier Breaks The Game ?
I tried this tool today and selected Makes the match continue when you win or loose and selected SET MODIFIED.
I started the game and let my MCV get destroyed, and the game ended like it always does so that function in the program doesn't work.
But then I tried it again, and it ruined my RAMD.exe file because now it sez that WINDOWS CANNOT ACCESS THE SPECIFIED DEVICE, so I grabbed another RAMD.exe replaced the broken one and the game starts.
So I tried the program again and it ruins the RAMD.exe again.
So the only function that I found in this program that I really wanted, and the program just renders the .exe unusable QUICK_EDIT
If you don't know what you are doing, you can break the exe. It is not the tool's fault. And most of the hacks are provided by 3rd party, not by the developer.
You are supposed to edit gamemd.exe, not ra2md.exe.
Verify first that the original bytes match before Set Modified. And when reverting check the Modified matches before Set Original. QUICK_EDIT
If you don't know what you are doing, you can break the EXE. It is not the tool's fault
If I open the EXE file in notepad and added a bunch of numbers then tried playing the game, and it didn't work then it's my fault because of course, I would not know what I'm doing.
But it was my fault that I chose the wrong file to modify to begin with.
But if the developer didn't include accurate instructions on how to use it properly and in the INFO section of the program all it sez is This program allows to modify the executable of C&C and this way apply several different "hacks".
It also gives an overview over the available hacks and which are already implemented in the selected EXE.
I saw a feature I liked in the program and selected it, and it broke the game. It does not tell you to put and run the program in the game in order for it to work, or anything of that nature. The developer tells you what the program does but gives you no instructions on how to do it the proper way and if this was a court case and this was a commercial product, the jury would find the developer at fault for not providing adequate information on the proper use of said product.
I did exactly what you told me, and the game won't start after selecting SET MODIFIED unless I replace the EXE file with an unmodified one.
So if you know how to set the game so that it doesn't end after you're defeated and can keep watching the AI battle itself, then please tell me how because that puts you over the person or persons that made this program but failed on instructing how to go about doing it properly.
Its obvious that if you are modifying an EXE, you will be using it. With the tool, you load an EXE then you load an INI file that contains the hacks. You are already doing that and applying the hacks. The tool comes with a bunch of hacks provided by the community.
Which EXE file to use and which hack INI file to use falls on your domain. Show courtesy to the developer and don't blame the tool for your mistakes. I just tested by applying that hack and it works fine. I was able to sell my conyard and lose and the game continued.
In your case, the exe file is gamemd.exe for YR 1.001 and the INI file is hacks.yr.ini. And verify that bytes shown in Original and Executable matches before doing Set Modified. It should look like:
Note that with Ares you can make the AI take control over your base while you continue to watch.
Add -AI-CONTROL to the end of the RunAres.bat file & then go to the ingame hotkey menu & add a keyboard button to the AI-CONTROL option. You can then start a game & press the key you chose to let the AI take over, IIRC you can also press it again to regain control when ever you want. _________________
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