Here's a new script TAGLIST...
The purpose of this script is to merely find improperly capitalized tags within rules.ini specifically. It has part of the code necessary to check art.ini as well but is currently disabled. Now not all of rules.ini is parsed. It focuses on the various unit types, buildings, and warheads, as this is primarily where you will have the errors.
The script has two modes of operating:
1. Look through the object code, and compare any tags found to a list of known tags in a case-insensitive manner, and then a second time as case-sensitive, as stored in the taglist.cfg file. It will log the tags it finds that it doesn't know and will also log the tags that it knows are incorrectly written.
2. Look through the object code, and compare any tags to the list in taglist.cfg, but only log the ones not listed. They are logged/written just as the tag, with no error or warning message to explain it in this mode so that the list can easily be copied to add to the taglist.cfg, which you should only need to do for the new tags added by Ares and other extensions.
Caveats to the operation as that taglist.cfg smashes all the known tags for buildings to infantry in one [Units] section, purely out of simplicity and the extensive overlap. What this means is that tags applicable to only buildings will not be called out as errors if found on units or vice versa. The script is really just looking at syntax and thus doesn't specifically even indicate which object had the incorrectly written tags, expecting the user to do a replace-all in the ini to fix it.
I maaaayy in the future, add the ability to correct such mistakes in the inis with AICLEAN, but that would be only after I have expanded this script to include all the other code sections, and I'm still not convinced it is required.
PS. A small warning, JumpjetAccel can prevent jumpjet units from landing, so the incorrect spelling found in rules.ini is actually preventing a behavior bug. Fixing it would thus re-enable the bug.
PPS. Strictly speaking, this is compatible with TS as well, although you'd have to go through taglist.cfg to remove RA2-specific tags and add any TS-specific ones.