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New Horizons Version 12B-3 has been released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2023 11:32 am    Post subject:  New Horizons Version 12B-3 has been released!
Subject description: Now you can explore different horizons around the whole world wide web!
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Lee3y, the leader of New Horizons, has recently published New Horizons 12B-3. For your information, New Horizons is a modification for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge that tweaks the gameplay, factions, and units with more emphasis on realism. It also provides new campaigns. Here are the filtered official words about New Horizons 12B-3 with some transgressions removed:

Greetings, fellow Command & Conquer fans; I release now the latest version of the New Horizons mod for Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge, that being Version 12B-3 (which supersedes Version 12B-2). As always, I highly recommend reading the articles on the previous releases to learn more about what’s new, should you be interested.

What’s New

This version is primarily for the full implementation of online compatibility via CNCNet! In previous versions, the option to launch online was implemented via an experimental workaround; this is no longer experimental and is instead now fully implemented. This includes the functionality of the new game modes I introduced, namely the ‘Mechanised Infantry’ mode and the ‘Infantry Divisions mode. Both were designed to recreate the ‘tech levels’ customization available in previous Command & Conquer games, whereby one could choose a ‘tech level’, which would limit the available choice of units. This meant that if you set the tech level to the minimum, you could practically have battles that just involved infantry, which is what ‘Infantry Divisions’ mode pretty much allows, with the inclusion of basic light vehicles (such as transport trucks). The mechanized mode limits the use of air combat, focusing on land-based units. I have also included a few custom maps that are now available to play via the online mode. One small limitation (as per the CNCNet documentation) is that custom game modes are not selectable on custom maps, for now anyway, but the custom modes can still be played on many available maps (alternatively, you can still launch via the standard/offline launcher, and play the custom modes on Any map, including randomly-generated ones).

Here is the New Horizons CNCNet match lobby;

And the map I added: Superfortress.

AI Enhancements

With the implementation of the two custom modes now available via the online And offline launch options, the AI has evolved further so that the AI itself is more able to play in the style of the selected game modes. In addition to this, the two custom modes have evolved somewhat:

‘Mechanised Infantry’ mode; Players will be able to build a Fuel Depot. This will act as a critical fuel supply station, which will result in a team’s vehicles being short on fuel and thereby being affected with a 20% movement speed penalty.

Fuel Depot in-game;

‘Infantry Divisions’ mode; Players will be able to build a Supply Depot. This will act as a critical food & water storage station, which will result in a team’s infantry units being short on rations and thereby being affected with a 20% movement speed penalty.

Supply Depot in-game;


I have overhauled the standard walls used in the game. I actually prepared some experimental features but ran into a technical dead end with them, so they were not included in this release. What has been done, however, is this:

All walls have been increased in size (they are now approximately 50% bigger). This was due to scale; many infantry units and even vehicles were previously as tall or even taller than the walls. Visually, this gives the impression of being able to shoot over them, and hence I have corrected this by up-scaling the walls. Some units, of course, could fire over walls (such as mortars/artillery), and this remains the case, of course.

Another change to the walls is that they are now theatre-specific; walls will look different depending on whether they are in a desert, arctic, or temperate environment (or even on a lunar map!). I found this breaks the monotony of having walls with the same scheme on every map.

Walls in-game;


Usually, there are many changes, too many to even remember in full. But on this occasion, the above sums them up. The next version release will focus on the implementation of 2 further game modes that have long been in the works and will hopefully be an exciting surprise.

I sincerely hope wherever you are playing from, that you enjoy the new additions, as well as all the stuff from previous versions. As always, have fun!

Command & Conquer Westwood Fans
Red Alert 2 YR: New Horizons
C&C: Yuri's Revenge
C&C: Red Alert 2

For further information about New Horizons, visit the ModDB Profile. You can grab the latest version of New Horizons by clicking Here. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy New Horizons!

Key Words: #News #Release #RedAlert2 #YurisRevenge #NewHorizons 


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