EDIT: V.1.3.2 also contains files previously missing that are needed to run Control Bar Pro properly, so it should be fixed now.
CHANGELOG V.1.3.2 Fix 1
- Fixed the texture of the Cupid (Actually implemented for real this time).
- Reduced the cooldown of the Reinforcement Pad from 2 minutes to 1 minute.
- Reinforcement Pads now *spawn* a unit instead of being para dropped from a plane, coupled with a fitting sound effect.
- Tech Buildings (not including hospitals) are now indestructible.
- Artillery Platforms now deal the same amount of damage as Command Center ones.
- Fixed the texture of the Cupid.
- Updated Doomsday's movement sound.
- Adjusted the "subdue" health of various units to match their health pools.
- Changed the damage types of all hitscan-based weapons (except Bishop) to "Gattling".
- Increased turret addon's weapon damage from 25 to 50.
- Reduced the visible range of Tier X units to all players.
- All players will start the game with one starter unit (unless the player's faction is Vulkan, in which case they will start with 2 Whiplashes).
- Adjusted the percentage of damage taken vs. armor:
- Gattling damage type will deal:
- 50% vs. truck armor (light vehicles)
- 40% vs. structure armor
- 25% vs. everything else
- Explosion damage type will deal:
- 50% vs. structure armor
- 100% vs. everything else
- Flame damage type will deal:
- 10% vs. structure armor
- 50% vs. tank armor
- 100% vs. everything else
- Added The Cupid
- The Cupid is a Tier 3 support vehicle that can target its enemies, giving a boost to allies' damage by 50% towards the said target.
- Removed the "dust effects" on various cameos.
- Decreased Priest's weapon damage from 400 to 100. Its cooldown decreased from 6000 to 2000. This is to prevent it from dealing a massive amount of damage to structures.
- Added The Servus
- The Servus is a Tier 3 support vehicle that auto-heals its nearby units.
- Changed the damage type of Ignis Prime's weapon to "Explosion".
- Added The Spotter
- The Spotter is a Tier 2 support vehicle that grants players increased vision around them and the ability to temporarily scan shrouded areas.
- Updated the aesthetics of the Enforcer, enlarging its turret.
- Decreased Enforcer's turn rate from 90 to 60.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's machinegun weapon damage from 20 to 50.
- Added The Toad
- The Toad is a Tier 3 artillery that can lob its shell from afar. Its high amount of health allows it to withstand a considerable amount of damage.
- Increased Lion's missile scatter radius from 25 to 50.
- Added The Doomsday
- The Doomsday is a Tier X support vehicle that can be detonated at will for an apocalyptic explosion. Its high amount of health allows it to withstand a considerable amount of damage.
As always, you can download the mod via GenLauncher, or this page and install it manually.