
- Adjusted the configurations of various sound effects.
- Updated Defender's firing sound.
- Overhauled the Shieldbreaker
- Its machinegun turrets were replaced with a bigger one housing twin autocannons.
- It also has energy shields that can intercept missiles much like Peacemaker's.

- Added new Rat variants:
- "Marksman" Rat has an autocannon that can attack at a longer range and deals more damage at the cost of a reduced rate of fire.
- "Ripper" Rat has a Gattling cannon that can attack enemies in the area and deals more damage but is locked behind Tier 2.
- Fixed the texture on the rear of Warthog.
- Lion's rocket weapon now has a minimum attack range of 50.
- Updated the aesthetics of Lion, featuring a shiny brand-new dozer blade.
- Increased Boa's health from 900 to 1000.
- Increased Warthog's weapon damage from 90 to 100.
- Decreased Warthog's weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Increased Toad's health from 750 to 800.

- Fixed a bug that allowed Fake Rats to infinitely yet themselves onto a target.
- All Command Centers can now use a new "Ambush" command to spawn starter vehicles at a location. It has a two-minute cooldown.
- All Command Centers now have unique selection sounds.
- Reduced Command Centers' build cost to zero so that the AI will focus on your armies when using General Powers.
- Renamed Artillery Barrage to "Artillery Cannon".
- Increased the cooldown of Artillery Cannon from 2 to 4 minutes.
- All Command Centers now start off with an upgraded version of their cannons.
- Decreased Command Center and Artillery Platform's weapon scatter radius from 15 to 0.1.
- Decreased Command Center and Artillery Platform's weapon cooldown from 6000/3000 to 2000.
- Decreased the cash bounty award from 50% to 20%.
- Increased the cost reduction granted by Oil Refinery from 10% to 20%.
- Adjusted the Tier Up commands of the Command Centers.
- Tier 1's upgrade duration is now 15 seconds and now costs $10000. Upgrading to this level grants an increase in the health pool by 10000.
- Tier 2's upgrade duration is now 30 seconds and now costs $20000. Upgrading to this level grants an increase in the health pool by 10000.
- Tier 3's upgrade duration is now 60 seconds and costs $50000. Upgrading to this level grants an increase in the health pool by 20000.

- Reduced the visual clutter of missile-based weapons.
- All Tier X units can now be limited to a quantity of 1 via the "Limit Superweapon" option in the Skirmish menu.
- All tracked vehicles now use "FOUR_WHEELS" movement types and have the ability to move backward.
- All vehicles (with the exceptions of suicide vehicles) can now capture buildings and no longer has a cooldown before they can capture another one.
- Refined various weapons, removing "secondary damage radius" for most of them and replacing them with fixed damage.
- Adjusted the effects of veterancy on units.
- Veterans fire their weapon 25% faster, deal 25% more damage, AND have 25% more health.
- Elites fire their weapon 50% faster, deal 50% more damage AND have 50% more health.
- Heroics fire their weapon 100% faster, deals 100% more damage, AND have 100% more health.
- Reverted most of the damage percentages against certain armors, with few exceptions.
- Flame weapons instead deal 10% damage vs. structures, 50% vs. tanks, and 100% vs. everything else.
- Explosion-based weapons deal 100% damage vs. everything.
- Adjusted the difficulty to the following:
- Normal Army will now use the "normal" difficulty of the previous update, akin to Zero Hour's normal difficulty.
- Normal Army will now use the "hard" difficulty of the previous update, akin to Zero Hour's normal difficulty.
- Brutal Army will now use the "hard" difficulty like above, plus the unfair advantages such as infinite money from the start.

- All Solisian units now have the attack range increased from 150 to 200. The exceptions are:
- Cupid and Bishop, whose attack ranges were increased from 200 to 250.
- Priest, whose attack range remains unchanged.
- Updated Crusader's movement sound.
- Cupid has been moved down to Tier 2 from Tier 3, allowing earlier access.
- Cupid now moves in the middle of a group if possible.
- Decreased Prophet's health from 350 to 300.
- Increased Zealot's weapon damage from 80 to 100.
- Decreased Zealot's weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Increased Crusader's weapon damage from 100 to 150.
- Decreased Crusader's weapon cooldown from 2500 to 1500.
- Decreased Cupid's health from 350 to 300.
- Decreased Cupid's build cost from 4000 to 3000.
- Increased Warden's cannon weapon damage from 120 to 150.
- Decreased Warden's cannon weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Increased Bishop's build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Bishop's weapon damage from 600 to 1000.
- Changed the Bishop's weapon damage type to "EXPLOSIVE".
- Increased Bishop's weapon sound volume.

- All Vulkanic units now have the attack range increased from 150 to 200. The exceptions are:
- Ignis Prime, whose attack range was increased from 200 to 250.
- Bothynus, whose attack range remains unchanged.
- Fake Whiplash now has a decal under it for visual clarity.
- Updated Ignis, Ignis Prime, and Servus' movement sound.
- Updated the Robus' voice sets.
- Servus now moves in the middle of a group if possible.
- Increased Whiplash's movement speed from 25 to 30.
- Decreased Ignis' turn rate from 90 to 60.
- Increased Ignis Prime's movement speed from 15 to 20.
- Decreased Ignis Prime's turn rate from 90 to 60.
- Increased Robus's movement speed from 15 to 20.
- Increased Servus' movement speed from 25 to 30.
- Increased Servus' turn rate from 60 to 90.
- Increased Bothynus's movement speed from 15 to 20.
- Increased Pugnax' build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Pugnax's health from 2000 to 3000.
- Increased Pugnax's weapon damage from 90 to 100.
- Increased Pugnax's movement speed from 15 to 20.
- Reduced the number of shots needed to fire from Pugnax before it revs up to its full speed.

- All Fulguran units now have the attack range increased from 200 to 250.
- The exception is Watcher, whose attack range remains unchanged.
- Spotter has been moved down to Tier 1 from Tier 2 and no longer requires upgrading your Command Center to be produced.
- Spotter now moves in the middle of a group if possible.
- Enforcer has been moved up to Tier 2 from Tier 1 and now requires upgrading your Command Center before it can be produced.
- Decreased Defender's weapon damage from 50 to 40.
- Increased Defender's movement speed from 25 to 30.
- Decreased Spotter's build cost from 2000 to 1000.
- Decreased Spotter's build time from 5 to 2.5 seconds.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's movement speed from 15 to 20.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's health from 3000 to 5000.
- Increased Shieldbreaker's cannon weapon damage from 150 to 300.

- All Lamini units now have the attack range increased from 200 to 250. The exceptions are:
- Rat and Python, whose attack ranges were increased from 150 to 200.
- Fake Rat, whose attack range was increased from 200 to 300.
- Toad, whose attack range remains unchanged.
- Fake Rat now grants cash bounty if it successfully kills a unit (the numbers won't show, but it's there).
- Fake Rat now has a decal under it for visual clarity.
- Fake Rat now properly displays the radius cursor when using the "Yeet Self" command.
- Removed the machinegun turrets from Python and Boa.
- Updated Python, Boa, and Toad's movement sound.
- Lion now properly displays the radius cursor when using the "Launch Rocket" command.
- Lion's "Launch Rocket" hotkey is now N to prevent overlapping with the "Capture Building" command.
- Decreased Rat's health from 300 to 200.
- Decreased Fake Rat's weapon scatter radius from 10 to 0.1.
- Increased Fake Rat's weapon projectile speed from 100 to 150.
- Increased Boa's weapon scatter radius from 5 to 20.
- Increased Toad's weapon damage from 150 to 200.
- Increased Lion's build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Lion's cannon weapon damage from 80 to 100.
- Decreased Lion's Canon weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Increased Lion's missile weapon damage from 80 to 100.
- Increased Lion's rocket weapon damage from 200 to 300.
- Increased Lion's rocket weapon speed from 100 to 200.
- Decreased Lion's rocket weapon damage radius from 100 to 50.

- Updated the emblem of the faction.
- All Infernal units now have the attack range increased from 200 to 250. The exceptions are:
- Termite, whose attack range was increased from 100 to 200.
- Hellstorm, whose attack range remains unchanged.
- Updated Harbinger and Vanguard's movement and weapon sounds.
- Baron's weapon now has shockwave effects.
- Increased fire field weapon damage from 5 to 10.
- Decreased Termite's health from 300 to 200.
- Increased Harbinger's weapon cooldown from 1000 to 1500.
- Decreased Harbinger's weapon scatter radius from 25 to 5.
- Decreased Harbinger's movement speed from 25 to 20.
- Decreased Vanguard's weapon damage from 120 to 100.
- Decreased Vanguard's weapon scatter radius from 25 to 5.
- Decreased Vanguard's movement speed from 25 to 20.
- Increased Baron's build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Baron's Termite spawning amount from 2 to 4.
- Increased Doomsday's build cost from 8000 to 10000.
- Increased Doomsday's health from 2000 to 3000.
- Doomsday's detonation weapon now always deals with a total of 10000 damage points as long as a unit is caught inside it.
As always, you can download the mod via GenLauncher, or this page and install it manually.
For further information about C&C Power Play, visit its ModDB Profile. C&C Power Play is downloadable at This Address. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on C&C Power Play!