Supreme BansheeAlso Known As : banshee_revora (Steam)Joined : 15 Aug 2002Location : Brazil
Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 7:55 pm Post subject:
The End Of Days's latest release is 0.98 Patch 3!
Subject description: The end of days is far.... and this release was also from far away... in the past!
Welcome back, visitors! There is a new version of The End of Days posted a couple of weeks ago under the name The End Of Days 0.98 Patch 3. For those unfamiliar with it, The End of Days is a mod for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. It adds Russia as a new playable faction and improves the original three with new units, structures, and special powers! It strives to bring an authentic real-war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! It also replaces Heroes with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41. It also innovates with purchasable subfactions at your tech center instead of the original choice of "Generals" before battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions has 3 completely different subfactions to choose from. The changes from The End Of Days 0.98 Patch 3 were announced with the following words:
TEOD 0.98 Patch 3
Fixed the map icon for Volcano Revenge (6)
Increase missile damage of pure AA jets by 20%
Decrease US fast attack jets HP by 15%
Improve Russian helicopter's HP and damage, especially KA-52
Airplanes armor should take 10% more damage from Small_Arms damage.
TU-22 Kalibr missile HP increased by 30%
Tu-22 Bombs damage increased by 10%
Tu-22 Kalibr missile damage increased by 10% and damage radius by 15%
Fixed select_all for Fire Base modules
Increase the cost of Nuke Waste Missile from 1 to 2 points.
Investigate why ZBL-02 rockets ignore infantry.
Add the 'Fire Rockets' button at the ZBL-02 command set.
Investigate all T1 AA for anti-missile capabilities and remove them if they have them.
Command Centers should be impossible to capture
Command Center's prerequisite should also be per faction science
Fixed China horde bonuses
Mirage GP to use HE FX and to benefit from StunShells upgrade
Mirage GP to use HE FX and to benefit from StunShells upgrade
Z-9 Harbin should not transport vehicles, but only infantries
Changing AH-64 Machinegun logic and similar using the same logic
Add Attack audio event for Gazelle
Add unique sounds for Capture Upgrade for China, GLA, and USA
Fix of Boomers and Scout Van night front lights
AWACS countermeasures time in the air increased by 2.5 sec. Updated Visual FX as well
Chinese EMP mines upgrade is unsuccessful
Speaker Crawler can be upgraded with Cannon
Making SOCOM Firebase use THEL Turret instead of C-RAM for the same AA-only coverage
Add a mention for heavy infantry that it doesn't shoot from garrisons. It's there from Patch-1
GLA heavy SAM SA-6 and S-75 are more resistant to Jet missiles
Bardak Missile damage type Changed to ARMOR_PIERCING, which will do more damage vs. Vehicles and less vs. Infantry
Fixed F-117 and B-21 LPD
Improved Dragon Tank Flamethrower FX
Abrams's Experience requirement to Rank up increased by 50%
Abrams's movement and turn rate speed slightly reduced
Uran-9 drone damage increased by 15%
Uran-9 drone missile clip reload time reduced by 10%
Fixed GLA armor-piercing missiles damage bonus to all rockets
Fixed T-90 ERA not shown when MAC has been chosen
Make all factions have minimap enabled initially.
Fix Mirage Bombing voice overlap.
Fix AWACS voice overlap.
Fix Fishbed Strike voice overlap.
Move Reaper Support to USMC instead of Repair
Add NLOS-LS Drop for SOCOM
GLA and China infantry speed increased by 20%
Fix of Hacker Post description that says it can be stealth
Fix of Scud HE missile damage upgrade and viral damage
Fix of Cyber attack GP that affects just a few but not all of the units
Improve the DF-21 GP strike by reducing the spread radius in the OCL file
Optimize Bomb explosion FX and trail arms
Fix Ion cannon invisible marker Description
Add AutoAcquire to Fallagh
To test the NOT_SIMILAR condition of the suicide drone weapon that will prevent from killing other allies' drones in the group
Fixed Missing Mig-21 falling model
Fixed hacker Van damaged model
MSTA-S is no longer upgraded to Coalition-SV. Coalitions SV can only be created from WF as a new separate unit. Code limitation solution
Fixing of C-5 model Shadow glitch
To fix Angry mob strange behavior
Reduce the fire rate of Kornet-D1 by 20% and Damage by 10%
Fix Phoenix Tank missing and create a voice line
Check and balance out the resource collecting rate for China.
Fix of Chinese tank smoke FX
Fix of conflicting Tank Destroyer smoke shells firing button
Add Excalibur upgrade to Abrams and Griffin tanks
Fix of GP disposition when placed over a structure
Fix of T-55 model size to match other tanks
Mig-35 Damage increased by 15
SU-35 missile damage increased by 5
J-10 Missile damage increased by 20
Tunguska, Panstir, PGZ-95, Norinco damage improved.
PGZ missile upgrade cost reduced to 200
All buildable jets receive 10% more damage from small_arms weapons
Added auto attack to Troop Crawler cannon
Fixed heavy SAM missile revealing a huge portion of the map when redirecting
PAKFA, Checkmate, Berkut has a 15-20% damage increase
Ystervak Movement speed, Damage, and HP reduced by 15%
All buildable Aircraft and Helicopters receive 15% more damage from Air to Air missiles
Change Partisan weapon damage type to Armor_Piercing
Reduce the pre_attack time for Partisan from 1500 to 1000ms and reload time from 1500 to 1250ms
Fixed the SA-6 Gainful missile armor type so another heavy SAM won't intercept it
Check the B-21, prerequisites for the nuke upgrade - Strategic Ordnance GP
Fixing of SURN sandbags stealth issue
Check the Warlord rage prerequisites
AGM-129 missile detonation is without FX when colliding with tall structures
Make Buzzard use smaller rockets for less visual disturbance
Nerf Supply Docks to contain 60000$.
Remove any discounts from Hacker Vans
Increase Hacker Van collection to the following level:
No Vet: 180$ / min -> 250$ / min
Vet 1: 216$ / min -> 300$ / min
Vet 2: 252$ / min -> 350$ / min
Vet 3: 288$ / min -> 400$ / min
Replace faction logos with TEOD ones on Control Bar.
Mi-28 Strafe Run GP helicopter speed increased by 15%, and HP reduced by 15%
Fix various VDV animations (parachuting, attack air)
Nerf Supply Docks to contain 60000$.
Seals burst count reduced from 7 to 5. This will make their DPS lower
Fix Helix geometry to make it not so vulnerable to splash damage weapons.
Check other helicopters besides Helix to have proper geometry settings.
Helix price reduced from 900 to 800 and build time from 14 to 12 seconds
Increase Horde Bonus activation range for infantry: From 30 range to 50
+25% Explosion damage to Inferno cannon, making it more effective against vehicles
Flying drones are no longer detecting stealth aircraft
Base defense structures have a 33% lower stealth detection range
Investigate possible Garrisoned Seal damage problem - Seems fine
Little Bird and Stealth Hawk helis +15% movement speed
Easy and Medium AI will always start with 10K money, no matter player chooses a different amount
Fixed Missing mine detonation FX
Chinese mines damage increased from 50 to 150
Fixed MSTA using coalitions weapon
Russian Spy plane GP cooldown increased from 1.30 min to 2.0 minutes
Russian Spy plane GP reveals only targeted area
Fixed Tomahawk Strike GP damage vs. units
Make F-16 basic bombs anti-structure.
Make F-16 cluster bombs anti-unit.
Fix damage output of cluster F-16 bombs against anti-air vehicles.
Fix of Mig-21 reload in midair after usage of machine gun
Add Laser Turret Fire Base addon for SOCOM
For further information about The End of Days , visit the ModDB Profile , Discord Channel , and YouTube Video Channel . Download The End Of Days 0.98 Patch 3 Here . And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy The End of Days ! Key Words: #News #Release #Generals #ZeroHour #TheEndOfDays QUICK_EDIT
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