- Implemented Sudden Death and changed the game rule.
- Players are no longer required to have Command Centers, rather they are defeated when all of their units are destroyed.
- After 15 minutes have passed in a match, players will lose their Command Center.
- Map will be revealed to all players, allowing them to hunt down the last remnants of each other.
- Destroying all enemy units will grant the player victory, regardless of whether the game is in Sudden Death.
- Assuming the game still goes on for another 5 minutes, all players are defeated, and the game is over.
- Players will still be able to produce units via Ambush and Tech Reinforcement Pads.
- Reverted the time taken to spawn a vehicle at Reinforcement Pad to 2 minutes.
- Lowered the volume of various explosion and weapon sound effects.
- Decreased the initial capture bonus of Tech Buildings from 1000 to 500.
- Decreased the passive income of Tech Buildings (except small supplies) from 200 to 100.
- Increased the interval between the passive income of Command Centers from 5000 to 12000, matching Tech Buildings.
- Reverted the cash bounty from killing enemies from 20% to 10%.
- Command Centers no longer benefit from increased max health, instead it always has a maximum health of 10000.
- Command Centers now take only 25% versus "GATTLING" weapon types.
- Command Centers now spawn 2/4/6/8 starting units when using Ambush power depending on its tier.
- Decreased Prophet's health from 300 to 200.
- Decreased Priest's weapon cooldown from 2000 to 1500.
- Bishop now plays the "oof" sound when firing its weapon.
- Lawmaker's machinegun turret now fires laser beam instead.
- Fixed the cameo of Watcher's firing modes.
- Ripper Rat's weapon now has a scatter radius of 20.
- Decreased Marksman Rat's weapon cooldown from 500 to 400.
- Increased Marksman and Ripper Rat's weapon damage from 60 to 80 and 100, respectively.
- Increased Cobra's health from 300 to 400.
- Python is now equipped with a twin missile launcher in addition to its main cannon, the latter of which has increased cooldown from 1000 to 1500 and increased damage from 75 to 100.
- Updated Boa's visual aesthetics.
- Warthog's weapon now pierces through multiple targets but has an increased cooldown from 2000 to 6000.
- Updated Scarab's weapon sound and visual aesthetics.
- Reduced the sound length of Scarab's voicesets, leaving fewer "gaps" in between voicelines.
- Updated Vanguard's cameo.
- Doomsday's detonation weapon now always deals with a total of 5000 damage points as long as a unit is caught inside it.
As always, you can download the mod via GenLauncher, or this page and install it manually.