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Dawn of the Tiberium Age Version 10: Part 2 of TD GDI Co-Op Campaign released!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:12 pm    Post subject:  Dawn of the Tiberium Age Version 10: Part 2 of TD GDI Co-Op Campaign released!
Subject description: We want you for the GDI army!
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Are you picking this up? Good! The developers from Dawn of the Tiberium Age has been working hard in these days, and they have just released Dawn of the Tiberium Age 10. And now, they have remade the entire GDI campaign from Tiberian Dawn as a cooperative campaign. For those who are not acquainted with it, Dawn of the Tiberium Age is a stand-alone mod for Tiberian Sun that combines Tiberian Dawn (Command & Conquer 95) and Red Alert featuring a classic mode and an enhanced mode. Here is what we know about Dawn of the Tiberium Age 10:


Co-Op Remake of Tiberian Dawn GDI Campaign

We were excited to see the positive reception to the first half of our Co-Op remake of the Tiberian Dawn GDI Campaign. We continued our work, and have now remade the entire campaign! That means there are 7 new Co-Op missions for you to play with your friends. It's time to grab the patch, grab a Co-Commander and head on to CnCNet!

Winter Terrain

Some of the new missions required the winter terrain from Tiberian Dawn, so Bittah_Commander ported it over to DTA.

Gameplay improvements

The missions aren't everything that we've been working on. We've continously improved the design and balance of our units and factions, and this patch is no different.

Aircraft balance has been our special center of attention. We've got feedback that aircraft play was a bit too "hectic": we had powerful AA that shot aircraft down very quickly, but the aircraft has also unloaded their damage in seconds. This has resulted in aircraft being commonly used as a "cheese option" with little counterplay; once you had seen the enemy aircraft blob approaching from the shroud, just 4 seconds later you were often short of a refinery or ConYard, unless you had enough AA cover.

With this patch we've aimed to slow down the aircraft play a bit. That means most aircraft have received more HP and less speed, meaning they won't attack as quickly, but also won't be shot down as quickly. Aircraft play is still fast as is characteristic for aircraft in C&C, but not as hectic as it has been so far. We also applied some balance and engine QoL fixes (which you can read about on the change log).

Our latest Chrono Tank design was found to be too weak by the majority of our players, so we went back to the drawing board and came to the conclusion that it was difficult to balance satisfactorily as a single, powerful epic unit. Thus, it now has a built limit of 2 instead of 1, fires rockets like in RA Aftermath, is available earlier, and is generally a bit stronger. It is especially powerful for flanking tank groups and can also be used against bases of inattentive enemies, but it is still vulnerable to infantry, artillery, and enemy recon.

Then, there are a few other miscellaneous changes:

  • The GDI Guard Tower had a hard time keeping up with our new advanced infantry, and Nod's fast recon units. Thus, it is now stronger against both.
  • The SSM Launcher was found too powerful for mid-game, especially against GDI. Thus, it was moved to Tier 3, and Nod now has access to its classic artillery again.
  • The Heavy Raider was overturned and got a slight hit from the nerf hammer.
  • Players felt the Chrono Vortex was the weakest of our super-weapons. We didn't want to buff its damage, but it now recharges faster.

Multiplayer maps

Our mappers have unleashed their creativity again using our new World-Altering Editor (WAE), giving us 4 new multiplayer maps.

[2] Forgotten Forests by DMB

Chronoseth's a beautiful remake of [2] Dueling Islands from Tiberian Sun: Firestorm

Something happened to the islands above... what could've caused this horrific catastrophe? [4] Dueling Deadlands, also by Chronoseth.

[2] Subterranean Subway Station by CRAFTSMAN44

Change Log

Aside from the items above, this patch also includes a bunch of game engine QoL improvements and bug fixes as usual. To read full patch notes, check out our change log page.


If you have DTA installed already, you can get this update through our client's built-in updater.

If you don't, you can download DTA from our downloads page. The original game is not required. DTA is a stand-alone mod.

We hope you enjoy the Co-Op campaign. We'd love to hear some more feedback, so if you have any, be sure to reach out either here on ModDB, on our Discord server, or on our forums at Project Perfect Mod!

For further information about Dawn of the Tiberium Age, visit the Forums at PPM, ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel. Dawn of the Tiberium Age is downloadable at This Address. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Dawn of the Tiberium Age!

Key Words: #News #Release #TiberianSun #Firestorm #DawnOfTheTiberiumAge 


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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Here is the full changelog:

Version 10.0.0:
Released: Jun 23, 2023

  • Added: New multiplayer maps:
    - Forgotten Forests (Credits: DMB)
    - Dueling Islands (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - Dueling Deadlands (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - Subterranean Subway Station (Credits: Craftsman).

  • Added: New Co-Op missions:
    - GDI 07: Clearing a Path (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - GDI 08: Orcastration (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - GDI 09: Code Name Delphi (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - GDI 10: Saving Doctor Mobius (Credits: Rampastring)
    - GDI 11: Ion Cannon Strike (Credits: Chronoseth)
    - GDI 12: Fish in a Barrel (Credits: Rampastring)
    - GDI 13: Temple Strike (Credits: Rampastring).

  • Added: Winter terrain tile sets (Dirt Roads, Cliffs, Rivers, Waterfalls, Bridges, Fords, Small Rocks/Debris) (Credits: Bittah Commander).

  • Added: Non-isometric Wooden Fence map prop (Credits: Bittah Commander).

  • Changed: Harvesters and MCVs are no longer selected when drawing a selection box over a group of units (Credits: Rampastring).

  • Changed: The A-10 Warthog now takes 3 times as long to reload its ammo (Credits: CCHyper).

  • Changed: The Anti-aircraft Truck's sidebar icon has been replaced (Credits: Charlyko, Bittah Commander).

  • Changed: Nod can now build the Artillery in Enhanced mode again.

  • Changed: The SSM Launcher now requires the Research Facility instead of the Radar to be built.

  • Changed: Guard Tower:
    - Increased damage against none armor (infantry) by 10%.
    - Increased damage against wood armor (recon units and buildings) by 20%.

  • Changed: Heavy Raider:
    - Increased cost from 750 to 800 credits.
    - Lowered damage against infantry by 20%.
    - Lowered damage against vehicles and buildings by 8%.
    - Lowered damage against tanks and ships by 10%.

  • Changed: Chrono Tank:
    - It now uses its classic model (Credits: Bittah Commander).
    - It now fires missiles instead of a railgun.
    - Increased its build limit to 2.
    - Lowered its price from 2400 to 1800 credits.
    - Its teleport now takes 33% less time to recharge.
    - Its hit points were increased by 11%.
    - It now requires the Advanced Tech Center (instead of the Chronosphere) to be built.

  • Changed: Soviet Flamethrower Infantry:
    - Increased cost from 300 to 350 credits.
    - Lowered anti-infantry (none armor) damage by 11%.

  • Changed: ORCA:
    - Increased hit points by 24%.
    - Increased damage by 14%.

  • Changed: Apache:
    - Increased hit points by 20%.
    - Increased damage against light armor (vehicles) by 10%.
    - Lowered damage against wood armor (recon units and buildings) by 10%.
    - Lowered speed by 20%.

  • Changed: Longbow:
    - Increased hit points by 16%.
    - Increased damage by 7%.
    - Lowered speed by 13%.

  • Changed: Yak:
    - Lowered damage against wood and light armor (recon units, vehicles and buildings) by 5%.
    - Lowered attack range by 11% (1 cell).
    - Lowered speed by 13%.

  • Changed: Increased Mig hit points by 24%.

  • Changed: Aircraft now fire more reliably when chasing moving units (Credits: Rampastring).

  • Fixed: Buildings can no longer catch fire multiple times from damage state changes within a short amount of time (Credits: Rampastring).

  • Fixed: The Stock Exchange structure gave credits much quicker than intended.

  • Fixed: The "Hover MLRS" crate unit displayed the wrong frames and thus appeared glitched (Credits: Bittah Commander).

  • Fixed: "Red Paradise" mission:
    - The TD Repair Facility was replaced with an RA Service Depot (Credits: Rampastring).
    - The Heal-All crates were replaced with money crates (Credits: Rampastring).

  • Fixed: There was a short delay whenever you opened different menus of the in-game options menu (Credits: Rampastring, Bittah Commander).

  • Fixed: The presence of a large number of idle Mobile Construction Vehicles could cause the game's frame rate to drop.

  • Fixed: The Civilian Armory structure had some pixels that appeared to glow on maps with dark lighting (Credits: Bittah Commander).

  • Fixed: The AI was unable to build a full base on the "Far Harbor" multiplayer map (Credits: Bittah Commander).

  • Fixed: The SSM Launcher was able to skip its firing delay after firing by moving and stopping.

  • Fixed: The MIG only fired 2 missiles instead of 3 when approaching its target from certain angles.

  • Fixed: The Recon Bike only fired missiles from its left missile pod instead of alternating between both of them.

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