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The final version of Combined Arms 0.91 is out!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:56 pm    Post subject:  The final version of Combined Arms 0.91 is out!
Subject description: Mission accomplished!
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Greetings, commander! Inqubi has announced a new version of Combined Arms called Combined Arms 0.91. Combined Arms is a mod for OpenRA that emulates the old Command & Conquer games gameplay and brings five factions to the battlefield: Allies, Soviets, GDI, Nod, and Scrin. It features new units and support powers for these factions. It also features new graphics and sound effects. Here are the changes and the fun stuff from Combined Arms 0.91:


  • Chapters 4 and 5 of the single-player campaign.
  • Many improvements to existing missions.
  • Added co-op variants of Duality and Containment.
  • Increased variety of unit types AI uses to attack within a campaign.
  • Restored old color picker to allow darker colors.
  • New music track, Recon Remix.
  • New upgrades system to allow easier upgrading of units (V hotkey). Existing units superseded by an upgrade can be retrofitted via SD with a new upgrade command.
  • Added "Multi-Queue Scaled" lobby option, which makes production structures after the first in each queue cost significantly more until T2/T3 upgrades are purchased to make them cheaper.
  • New "Composition Tournament" minigame map.
  • New Team Fortress-inspired minigame map.
  • Added RAGL Season 14 maps.


  • Concussion applies -25% speed and -50% rate of fire reduction (instead of -45% speed and -33% rate of fire) - affects (H)MLRS Hammerhead Missiles, Sniper, Siege Tank, Aurora, Sonic Tower, MAD Tank.
  • Reduced rearm times for all aircraft.
  • Reduced Rocket Soldier/Disintegrator AA auto attack range by 1 (halfway between the two previous values).
  • Yuri/Mastermind gain experience from slaves, gain +1 capacity per veterancy level, and +1 range when elite. Can now release slaves by right-clicking them.
  • Reduced Rifle/Minigunner/Warrior damage vs. heavy armor a little (it was previously increased by 50%).
  • Increased HP of all basic defenses.
  • Reduced amount of healing required to trigger healing cooldown for commandos.
  • A portion of a Medic's healing is now applied over time.
  • AA defenses and primary AA vehicles (IFV, BTR, Vulcan, Stealth Tank, and Gun Walker) take 50% less damage from aircraft.
  • Harvesters and MCVs take 40% less damage from aircraft.
  • Mine Layers can defuse mines. Increased mine health.
  • Reduced radar cost to 1600.


  • Increased Tank Destroyer damage vs light armor.
  • Increased Longbow vision by 1. Increased damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Reduced reload time for Nighthawk Cryo Missiles.
  • Use TankBuster damage type for Snipers (reduced damage vs. non-tank heavy units, increased vs. tanks).
  • Increased Veil of War cooldown from 3 minutes to 4 minutes. Reduced radius slightly.
  • Reduced the "veiled" debuff effect from 50% range reduction to 20% (Veil of War, Gap Generators). Direct gap generator beam applies 40% range reduction.
  • IFV requires either radar or service depot (as it was the only primary AA vehicle denied via radar loss).
  • Increased range of base IFV by 0.25. Reduced damage vs. light armor.
  • Increased range of Rocket IFV by 0.5.
  • Reduced Rifle IFV damage vs. buildings.
  • Increased Raider APC vision by 1. Increased damage vs. infantry. Reduced damage vs. buildings. Existing APCs must be upgraded via SD.
  • Increased Scout Tank vision by 1.
  • Reduced Mirage Tank damage vs. infantry a little, so it takes 1 fewer shot to kill instead of 2.
  • Temporal Flux allows Chrono Tank to teleport twice before recharging. Reduced Chrono Tank damage vs. infantry and speed.
  • Increased Artillery cost to 650. Reduced rate of fire. Reduced damage vs. defenses. Reduced damage and splash radius vs. heavy armor.
  • Chrono Prison can now drain Scrin aircraft shields and erase Iron Curtained units.
  • Base Sniper no longer auto-targets vehicles and must aim before firing. Increased range to 8.5.
  • Moved Raufoss upgrade to T3. Reduces range to 7.
  • Increased Battle Fortress HP from 110k to 115k.
  • Reduced detonation and cooldown times of SEAL C4.
  • Increased cooldown of Cluster Mines support power from 4:00 to 4:30.
  • Reduced Turret power consumption from 40 to 30.
  • Cryo Missile upgrade also applies to Strafing Run.
  • Fake buildings can be detonated manually.
  • Germany - Added 20% Chronosphere discount.


  • Increased Hind vision by 1 and range by 0.5. Increased damage. Increased HP from 32k to 34k. Reduced speed. Reduced missile RoF. Reduced ammo of Chaingun/Rockets to 10/12, respectively.
  • Increased MiG anti-heavy damage.
  • Thief no longer slowed by Heavy Hazmat Suits upgrade.
  • Slight increase to V2/V3 splash damage.
  • Reduced V2 price from 900 to 850. Increased projectile speed.
  • Rebalanced Tesla Tank around a higher rate of fire and good damage vs. heavy armor. Increased range by 0.5. Reduced price to 1150.
  • Increased Tesla Track damage and rate of fire. Increased HP from 20k to 22k. Reduced arcing damage.
  • Increase Siege Tank price to 1500. Reduced damage vs. heavy armor. Reduced concussion radius and duration.
  • Increase Brute HP, speed, and damage vs. vehicles. Regenerates to 50% health out of combat.
  • Increased Mammoth Tank/Eradicator rate of fire.
  • Increased Eradicator damage vs. heavy.
  • Increased Yuri HP from 15k to 18k. Increased vision by 1. Added psychic detection radius. Reduced Mind Blast cooldown from 6 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Increased Desolator splash damage.
  • Increased Crazy Ivan bomb splash damage.
  • Increased Tesla Coil HP from 35k to 37.5k.
  • Increased Shock Trooper damage very slightly.
  • Reduced rate of fire and projectile speed of Mammoth Tank missiles.
  • Reduced Grenadier damage vs. infantry and defenses.
  • Increased Apocalypse Tank damage vs light armor.
  • Reduce Yak price from 1250 to 1200.
  • Increased Atomic Shell's firepower bonus from 150% to 180%. Increased duration from 1:30 to 2:00.
  • Iraq - Missile Silo discount increased from 10% to 40%.
  • Yuri - Added 10% Kirov discount.
  • Ukraine - Increase MAD Tank discount from 10% to 25%.
  • Increased MAD Tank HP from 90k to 100k.
  • Increased Chem Tower splash radius slightly.
  • Chaos drone emits chaos clouds when deployed or destroyed. Increased movement speed.
  • Increased Kirov HP from 100k to 110k. Reduced the increased damage taken while firing from +50% to +33%. Reduced reload time. Reduced speed. Reduced splash radius (except for the Ukraine variant). Added concussion to Ukraine variant.


  • Increased (H)MLRS HP by 2k. Increased base damage, damage vs buildings, and reduced the splash drop-off near the center of the explosion. Reduced damage vs. heavy armor. Reduced turret turn rate. Reduced AA range, projectile speed, and maximum tracking range.
  • Reduced HMLRS speed slightly.
  • Increased Hypersonic missile accuracy, projectile speed, and range.
  • Increased Hailstorm missile damage vs. buildings/defenses.
  • Increased Orca vision by 1. Increased damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased JumpJet range slightly, vision by 1, and damage vs. infantry. It can now target aircraft.
  • Increased Bombardier range by 0.5. It can now target aircraft.
  • Increased XO range and damage vs. heavy armor. Increased HP from 30k to 32k. Reduced damage vs. infantry.
  • Increased Vulcan range by 0.25. Existing APCs must be upgraded to Vulcan via SD.
  • Gryo Stabilizers upgrade moved to tier 4. It no longer affects Titan missiles. Effects reduced by 35% (so +65% range, +65% reload time, down from 100%). Increased recharge from 50s to 60s, begins discharging immediately.
  • Increased Disruptor damage. Applies concussion with Sonic Amplifiers upgrade. Updated projectile behavior/visual.
  • Battle Drone and Mammoth Drone no longer come with free Mini Drone but still gain self-repair (or improved self-repair). Increased Battle Drone upgrade cost to 1250.
  • Increased point defense shield/laser recharge time. Reduced damage reduction from 75% to 60% for Hum-Vees/Guardian Drones.
  • Increased Mammoth Tank/Titan/Railgun Titan/Hover Mammoth/Ion Mammoth/Mammoth Drone rate of fire.
  • Increase the range of the Mobile Sensor from 18 to 24, but it can't detect infantry. Reduced stealth detection range by 2. Increased price from 1200 to 1250.
  • Reduce the vision of Recon Drone from 14 to 12.
  • Mobile EMP slowed when crushing.
  • Reduced rate of fire and projectile speed of Mammoth/Titan missiles.
  • Reduced Grenadier damage vs. infantry and defenses.
  • Bombardment strategy gives +3% firepower and rate of fire per level instead of +5% firepower.
  • Reduced Advanced Guard Tower damage vs infantry.
  • Reduced A10 damage vs buildings. Increased HP from 27k to 28k.
  • Talon - Upgrade Center discount increased from 10% to 20%. Added 10% Tech Center discount.
  • ZOCOM - Advanced Comms discount increased from 10% to 40%. Hazmat Suits are equipped as standard.
  • ARC - Added 20% Mobile Sensor discount.
  • Increased Orca Bomber cost from 1.7k to 2k. Increased HP from 30k to 38k. Increased ammo from 4 to 6. Increased damage.
  • Slightly reduced Ion Mammoth splash radius.
  • Use charging attacks for EMP Missile and Firestorm Barrage, so time to fire is consistent regardless of initial turret facing.


  • Increased Apache/Venom vision by 1 and range by 0.5.
  • Increased Flame Tank & Heavy Flame Tank damage vs. defenses and increased speed a little.
  • Reduced cost of Heavy Flame Tank from 1100 to 1000.
  • Enlightened EMP is now a ranged targetable ability. It hits a single target, 4s disabled, and 20s recharge. Reduced Enlightened movement speed and damage slightly.
  • Frenzied units no longer take increased damage, but after frenzy wears off, they have reduced speed and rate of fire for 10 seconds
  • Increased Light Tank vision by 1.
  • Increased Black Hand Trooper speed. Increased damage vs. moving targets.
  • Increased Microwave Tank rate of fire a little. Increased base EMP duration by 1s. Reduced splash radius.
  • Increased Artillery/Howitzer cost to 650. Reduced rate of fire. Reduced damage vs. defenses. Reduced damage and splash radius vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Howitzer speed and turn rate.
  • Increased Obelisk rate of fire slightly.
  • Shadow Team gliders are now cloaked.
  • Reduced Banshee splash radius. Increased damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Cyborg Elite damage vs heavy armor.
  • Reduced the time taken to upgrade cyborgs via Temple Prime.
  • Increased Cyborg Reaper HP from 9k to 11k.
  • Added partial tankbuster damage to base Stealth Tank and full tankbuster damage when upgraded with Tib Core Missiles.
  • Tiberium Stealth grants a 10% damage reduction.
  • Reduced Turret power consumption from 40 to 30.
  • Increased Cyborg Mechanic movement speed to match regular Cyborg.
  • Quantum Capacitors upgrade grants a small buff to Templars.
  • Marked - Added 10% Temple Prime discount.
  • Legion - Added 33% Satellite Hack cooldown reduction.
  • Shadow - Stealth Generator passive range increased by 4, remains cloaked when active.
  • Infiltrator unlocks Mobile Sensor and Mobile Gap Generator from GDI/Allied Tech Centers, respectively (instead of MLRS and MRJ).
  • Increased SSM/Spectre damage vs defenses.
  • Increased upgraded Venom damage vs. defenses.
  • Increase minimum credits gained by Cash Hack from 500 to 750.
  • Black Napalm upgrade reduces the rate of fire instead of reducing the splash radius.


  • Increased Mothership main weapon damage (and improved visual effects). Updated the secondary weapon, which can now be fired while moving.
  • Mothership can create wormholes at the targeted location from a distance.
  • Reduced Intruder damage vs. heavy armor slightly.
  • Increased Darkener Tank turn rate and turret turn rate.
  • Reduced Tripod/Reaper Tripod speed slightly.
  • Increased Leecher price from 900 to 1000. Reduced speed. Reduced damage vs. buildings. Reduced range by 0.5. Removed lifesteal completely with Coalescence upgrade instead of reducing it.
  • Reduce Leecher Orb HP from 34k to 30k.
  • Flak Vest mitigation reduced against Devastator Warship.
  • Reduce Stormcrawler damage vs. heavy armor slightly.
  • Ion Conduits triggered on taking damage as well as attacking. Stacks increase at a fixed rate.
  • Blink Packs upgrade moved to tier 3. Reduced cost to 750. Teleport has an additional range.
  • Feeders move 20% faster when charged. Increased vision to 7.
  • Increased Mastermind HP from 15k to 18k. Increased vision by 1. Mind Sparks is now controllable.
  • Increased PAC damage vs. light armor and aircraft.
  • Increased Ravager damage vs. light armor.
  • Reduced Plasma Turret splash radius and damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Atomizer direct damage and added splash. Reduced DoT damage.
  • Increased Enervator damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Increased Feeder speed and HP.
  • Increased Stormrider damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Reaper - Added 40% Fleet Shields discount.
  • Harbinger - Added 20% Rift Generator discount.
  • Collector-73 - Field Manipulator discount increased from 10% to 20%. Affected units take damage over time.
  • Increased Buzzer Swarm damage.
  • Reduced Shard Walker HP from 35k to 32k. Reduced damage vs. heavy armor.
  • Reduced Suppression Field radius a little.


  • Fixed AI stopping all production on Easy/Normal difficulty. Improved low cash handling.
  • Fixed Spectre being replaced by Howitzer when repaired.
  • Fixed LSTs built by the player in mission 5 being uncontrollable.
  • Fixed crash in mission 11 caused by destroying Nod Airstrip before the southern base was cleared.
  • Make walls other than concrete/biometallic no longer block projectiles.
  • Fixed Grenadiers/Engineers/Ivan standing with their arms in the air.
  • Lowered selection priority of Mobile Sensor and Mobile Stealth Generator.
  • Prevent teleporting infantry stacking on the same subcell.
  • Prevent certain support powers revealing enemy locations under shroud/fog when targeting (IC, Stealth Gen, etc.).
  • Updated cloak effect.
  • Soviet Engineer voice lines.
  • Fixed stealth units decloaking when moving out of range of the Stealth Generator.
  • Show the number of units queued for conversion in Temple Prime.
  • General AI improvements.
  • Minor UI improvements.

You can check more information about Combined Arms by visiting the ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel. Download Combined Arms 0.91. And that's all regarding Combined Arms for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Combined Arms!

Key Words: #News #Release #OpenRA #CombinedArms 


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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 3:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

I've updated the first post with an image and a video showing the second mission of the Soviet campaign in action.

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