We are so back.
With the
Tiberian Sun Anniversary coming up, discussions came up of polishing the current Tiberian Sun: Reborn experience to deliver a smooth, fun, more balanced game for the event's participants and before you know it, the development team collectively decided upon pushing through once again to 2.0! Where previous setbacks may have made this venture appear lost to the void, we can confidently stand behind this decision to go forward.
You may be asking, "But FRAYDO, what makes this different from the last time? Will it actually work this time? Why now"?
Rest easy, little Timmies, for I have the answers you seek!
"What makes this different from the last time?"
Originally, we strove to deliver the full, completed Reborn 2.0, which entailed many new changes, map additions, and updated game mechanics like those seen in Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Battle For Dune: War of Assassins, and our other house projects. In light of those aforementioned setbacks and other disturbances, we can still promise to deliver Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 as we fully intended
as the end goal.
While that will indeed remain the end goal for Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0, the objective we will meet for the upcoming anniversary event is delivering a playable open beta! You will get a working revamped experience of Reborn, which has been a long time coming!
"Will it actually work this time?"
100%, and a resounding ABSOLUTELY at that! ChopBam, as you may know, as our lead developer of Red Alert: A Path Beyond, is heading the charge on this. He is currently happy with the state of Red Alert: A Path Beyond and is offering his full time and devotion to Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0, as is everyone else on the developmental front, such as OWA on Balance and Units, TeamWolf on Maps, CMDBob on Code, Killing_You on Audio, along with Ryknow69 and ICE on support, as well as our eager testers who will be quite busy with tasks such as trying out our latest Cyborg Reaper, navigating our new building layouts, and ensuring our scripts updates were implemented correctly through bug hunting.
"Why now?"
The Tiberian Sun Anniversary event lit the proverbial fire in our development channels. When Pyrocob from CnC Saga reached out to us, we were originally just set on choosing a day within the anniversary schedule for Tiberian Sun: Reborn. One thing led to another, and here we are announcing the Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 Beta! I believe we all wanted to return to Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 at some point, and this renewed motivation has given us the perfect opportunity to do just that!
As activity will be ramping up on the developmental front for Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0, expect to see updates as they happen! Thank you for your time in reading this! Your support is what gets the ball rolling, and keep it rolling!