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Mobius Map Editor is out!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:46 pm    Post subject:  Mobius Map Editor is out!
Subject description: It is time to see the future..... more clearly and without raw map terrain layer, objects overlapping, etc!
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Hi everyone! Reinforcements have arrived from Mobius Map Editor as Mobius Map Editor has been recently published by Nyerguds. For those unaware, Mobius Map Editor is the original map editor from the Command & Conquer Remastered Edition, made by Electronic Arts/Petroglyph Studios, with Nyerguds fixes and improvements. It can be used to create maps for the remastered games and the original 1990s Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 games. Here is the official announcement from Mobius Map Editor's staff about Mobius Map Editor

This new version has an overhauled "new map" screen, allows exporting map images without the raw map terrain layer, and has a bunch of fixes related to object overlapping, rebuild priority updating, the list-selection shortcuts and more. It also allows TD megamaps for singleplayer missions to be published to the workshop, since they can work with mods which enable that feature in-game.

All changes:

  • The Cell Trigger tool's "jump to" function will now also jump to placed objects with the attached trigger, to easily review what uses it.
  • The "jump to" function in Waypoints and Cell Triggers will now properly update the mouse cell info in the bottom bar.
  • The [Briefing] and [Base] sections can now also accept custom ini keys (which can be useful for mods).
  • Undo/redo operations are now blocked while mouse drag operations (moving or drag-placing objects) are in progress, to prevent corrupting the list of undo/redo operations.
  • Fixed bug where having a specific tile from a random tiles group selected would still show the first tile of the group as placement preview.
  • Added the ability to export map previews without the map templates layer. This will give an image with a transparent background.
  • The tooltips showing which trigger criteria are needed for using a trigger in a certain situation will indicate which of the criteria are fulfilled by the currently selected trigger.
  • The tooltips showing trigger criteria will now say "usable" events/actions rather than "required".
  • The Zoom shortcuts now work on more keys than just the numpad ones.
  • Fixed issues with how objects overlapped with each other. This doesn't 100% match the game, but the game's method for doing overlaps is often very strange and unrealistic.
  • Refined the "outlines on overlapped objects" logic to only outline objects that are actually high enough up compared to the other object to be considered overlapped.
  • Fixed a bug where Terrain objects would not show a placement preview over bibs.
  • Fixed a bug in Walls mode where changing to a different type did not refresh the preview.
  • Fixed a bug where switching back to the Terrain tool would show the previously-selected type in the preview, but would not select it in the list.
  • Fixed a bug in Map mode where using the PageUp or Home key to select the Clear terrain would not scroll to the item in the list.
  • Added setting to enable DPI awareness mode, for users with indicator scaling issues.
  • Triggers on TD Terrain entries are now optional in the ini; terrain entries without the trigger part will no longer be skipped as malformed data.
  • When loading a map and objects are detected as overlapping a multi-cell object like a building or tree, on top of giving the cell where the overlap occurred, the system will now also report the placement cell of that object.
  • Overhauled the undo/redo system of building priorities, to remove inconsistencies.
  • Modifying the rebuild priority of a placed building will now adjust the rebuild priorities of the other structures, as already happened when adding and removing them.
  • Fixed bug where two buildings of different types placed on the same cell (e.g. a guard tower on the top-left corner of a repair bay) would not correctly be distinguished as different entries by the rebuild priority system, causing one of them to lose its rebuild status.
  • The "Learning" and "Mercenary" options in the TD Teamtypes editor are now crossed out in the UI, and indicated on the tooltip as having no effect.
  • Megamaps for TD can now be published on the Steam workshop, provided they are singleplayer scenarios. They will give a warning about the nonstandard format, though this is not re-shown for the same map on subsequent uploads.
  • Added forgotten PageUp/PageDown/Home/End shortcuts support to the Walls tool.
  • Buildings now all have a set height to control overlaps.
  • Civilian building V37, The Studio, is now seen as a flat building, lower than even the repair bay, so its top left corner can't overlap other objects. (Sadly, the game does not do this.)
  • Fixed column resizing in the triggers list so it always maximizes the clickable area to select a trigger, and never gives scrollbars unless needed.
  • The mplayer.ini file tweaks are now only applied if RA's Aftermath expansion units are enabled, as it should.
  • The editor will now be allowed to load in classic mode without the RA expansion files present. Any missing graphics will be substituted by dummy graphics.
  • Overhauled the "New Map" dialog using list boxes, to have more consistent tab order control, and to allow more easily modding in additional games / theaters.
  • Added "Single-Player Scenario" checkbox on the "New Map" dialog.
  • Added remap logic to fix Einstein's colors, using the remap system used by the other RA civilians.
  • The power evaluation tool now takes buildings' damaged status into account when calculating the produced power.
  • Multiple overlapping multiplayer flags will now be drawn as multiple flags on one cell, scaling down later overlapping ones.
  • Multiple overlapping non-flag waypoints will no longer show up brighter on the map.
  • Added option to let the editor remember tool selection information between different opened maps of the same type. This option is disabled by default.
  • Left-clicking on smudge no longer copies its properties into the tool, since left-click is needed to change smudge properties.
  • Removed "NoMetaFilesForSinglePlay" option, since the meta files are always 100% useless in single play, and instead added "ClassicProducesNoMetaFiles" to suppress the creation of such files for all maps in classic mode.
  • In old Red Alert maps which use Italy instead of Ukraine, The house settings for [Italy] will now be applied to Ukraine.

For further information about Mobius Map Editor, visit its Official Website. Grab the latest version of Mobius Map Editor by clicking Here. And that's all regarding Mobius Map Editor for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Mobius Map Editor!

Key Words: #News #Release #CommandAndConquerRemastered #RedAlertRemastered #CnCRemasteredCollection #TiberianDawn #RedAlert1 #CnCTDRAMapEditor.exe #MobiusMapEditor 


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