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Zero Hour Enhanced Update: The Scorpion's Sting Part 5
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2023 9:50 am    Post subject:  Zero Hour Enhanced Update: The Scorpion's Sting Part 5
Subject description: Have you seen any Zonkeys recently?
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Howdy! VectorIV, the leader of Zero Hour Enhanced, has recently shared some progress done with this project with the public. For your information, Zero Hour Enhanced is a modification for Command & Conquer Generals: Zero Hour that enhances the gameplay experience of the game according to VectorIV's visions. Here is what was posted about it:

Welb, I guess we've finally reached the end of the GIN vehicles and tanks update series.

This time featuring the one and only IFV option for the GIN armed forces; the BMP-1, the WMD George Bush was supposedly looking for in Iraq but somehow couldn't find, and a super-heavy tank made from scrapped metals that could as well be from RA2 that could somehow compete with the superpowers' super-heavy tanks.

With the revolution spreading across the rest of Africa, there was no shortage of river crossings that could render the traversal of battlegroups a rather vexing issue. So, With the licensed localized production of the BMP-1 'Zonkey', the issue was no more. Well, sort.

But wait; hang on, you may ask, what in the world is a "zonkey"? Well, let me tell you; it's a hybrid breed of a zebra and a donkey, much like the famous hybrid breed of a zebra and a horse, the zorse.


I don't know how exactly that works, but apparently it does.

But why would the BMP-1 be named "Zonkey"? Well, no reason. I just thought it was a cool name, and the colonel thought so, too (trust me, bro.)

Anyway, even though the Zonkey has amphibious capabilities, it performs rather poorly in large bodies of water, unlike the PLA Macaque, which was designed to be launched from ships in the open sea specifically. The Zonkey should be stuck with a small river crossing if it chooses to cross it at all.

Like the Scorpion, the Zonkey also possesses similar anti-tank capabilities, although not to the same extent.
The Zonkey can struggle against anti-tank munitions since it's designed as an IFV rather than that of a light tank.

The matter of the revolution did not go unnoticed, however. NATO has been monitoring the situation ever since the beginning of the unrest and will undoubtedly plot to crush the revolution in order to maintain its imperialistic ambition in Africa.

The colonel, well aware of this fact after consulting his allied leaders from the east, decided not to give up any hopes of constructing deterrent continental atomic WMDs against the superpowers.

And so, GIN licensed the production of the Elbrus TBMS and other types of ICBMs from the USSR. Arguably, the best mobile tactical missile system on the battlefield, the Elbrus warhead, can be armed with explosives for general-purpose uses or toxins for enhanced anti-infantry capabilities.

With upgraded missile designs, the Elbrus can bring swift destruction to the invading imperialist forces that dare to step foot on Africa's soil.

Although not exactly well armored in the base configuration, the Elbrus can be upgraded to be better armored with designs shared by the colonel's friend from the east coupled with your standard crew protection plates.

With NATO intimidated by such a bold move by the GIN alongside being occupied with the invasion of Vietnam, the invasion is halted, at least for the time being.

Fast forward to modern days, with the creation of the Overlord tank and the Titan series tank by the PRC and NATO prompted the now-promoted colonel to a commander in chief to construct a super-heavy tank of his own.

Although lacking in technology to match both entities, the good news is the construction of such a war machine is feasible thanks to the general's theory, great policies, and planning, with the money from the nationalized rich oil resources that uplifted the people from absolute poverty to arguably the best in all of Africa. The researchers and engineers were able to create an original design based loosely on old Soviet blueprints uploaded to the internet.

Dubbed the "Ravager", this super-heavy tank is the first of its kind that originated from non-superpowers. Despite not being as durable as standard super-heavy tanks, it is armed with a 152mm smoothbore gun, making it a deadly force against enemy armor.

Also, being able to be armed with rocket pods, the same as that of the Wild Dog, the Ravager can dismantle enemy lightly armored battle groups from afar.

With an upgrade to the armor to make it even tougher, the Ravager is an even greater arsenal to the GIN's armory of war machines.

With a completed arsenal, the GIN can now begin its plan to bring the revolution to the whole of Africa.

GIN BMP-1 'Zonkey' Infantry Fighting Vehicle is GIN's mass produced anti-personnel armoured vehicle. Armed with a 73mm smoothbore gun, the BMP-1 can easily wipe out enemy infantry squads or light vehicles in its path.

Licensed from the USSR to be produced locally, the BMP-1 has now since been incorporated into GIN's doctrine of warfare to increase traversal effectiveness across small bodies of water.

Like the Tachanka LIFV, it can also transport troops to the frontline in mass with great speed.

Despite its outdated armor, BMP-1 can be upgraded with junk armor to increase its durability further.

It can also perform light anti-tank operations but lacks the required impact to take out enemy tanks completely.

In case of emergency, the BMP-1 can use the equipped smoke grenade dischargers to cover its timely retreat or to support friendly troops in advancing into the enemy position.

Armaments: 73mm 2A28 'Grom' smoothbore gun, PKM 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and (upgradable) 9M14 'Malyutka' anti-tank guided missile launcher

GIN 9K72 'Elbrus' Tactical Ballistic Missile System is the epitome of GIN's unconventional terror doctrine weaponry.

To defend against external threats from destroying the revolution, the 9K72 has been licensed from USSR to be produced locally, effectively deterring any warmonger superpower from attempting a full-scale invasion.

Capable of arming with either conventional explosive warhead or biochemical warhead, the 9K72 can guarantee destruction against any invaders.

Armaments: 9K72 'Elbrus' tactical ballistic missile launcher

GIN T-292 'Ravager' Improvised Super-heavy Tank is GIN's ultimate revolutionary war machine in a fight against NATO imperialism.

With the ever-advancing military technology of the superpowers, GIN has even the odds with its domestically produced super-heavy tank derived partly from old Soviet schematics.

Despite its rather inferior armor protection compared to modern standards, T-292 can be upgraded with junk armor to increase its durability further.

It doesn't come equipped with pre-installed smoke grenade dischargers, but they can become available via a local upgrade. However, the T-292 can still use its engine as a smoke screen generator to create a small smoke screen surrounding it in case of emergency.

Upgrading the T-292 with a dozer blade enables it to clear mines in its way while also slightly increasing its durability.

Due to its high cost and maintenance, only a relatively small number of T-292 can be deployed on the battlefield.

Armaments: 152mm LP83 smoothbore gun, PKM 7.62mm coaxial machine gun, and (upgradable) 2x 55mm UB-16-57 UMP anti-tank rocket launchers

Don't mind the 22 hours ago thing. I accidentally pressed yesterday's date, lol.


You can learn more about Zero Hour Enhanced by visiting the ModDB Profile, and Discord Channel. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on Zero Hour Enhanced!

Key Words: #News #ZeroHourEnhanced #Generals #ZeroHour 


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