Wazzup Beijing.
It looks like we're doing the Shiny Building series again, this time featuring the Chinese buildings. Now, the Chinese wife YouTube man you recommended might be telling you that "
Ohh, China is collapsing literally and structurally (in terms of buildings) in 0 days as we speak. See-see-pee panicking 100 morbillion dead tomorrow. Gone."
I can assure you that inadequate construction is not a unique issue in just one country. A random person decided to hyperfocus on and sensationalize the topic because of their chauvinistic agenda. This, in fact, happens around the world because, well, sometimes people just suck, and the system allows it to happen without severe consequence (most of the time it's a slap in the wrist.)
Don't know what I'm talking about? Good for you, buddy, honestly lol.
Anyhow with that out of the way, at first glance, you might be thinking that the roofs of the Chinese buildings are made out of wood, surely. Nope, it's actually either made from clay or ceramic. So with that, that gave me an excuse to use shiny ceramic roofs and hence the shiny roofs in this instance. After all, it's a well-known fact that scientifically speaking,
shiny/reflective surface = good graphics.
Have you ever seen those posters of Xi Jinping with catchy phrases in China before? I sure haven't, as I've never been to China before, and I don't watch TV, nor do I speak coherent Chinese. That would probably make the trip even more difficult to navigate.
Instead of going there and getting first-hand experience through the magic of the internet, I just searched for some photos from Google.
As it turns out, there is plenty of variety to be found in numerous places, it seems. As funny as it would be to overload the buildings with posters, I've decided to restrain my hands and retain my sanity in the process (I wouldn't be able to finish the mod otherwise.)
So, I say let's add posters to some of the remastered buildings, specifically the important buildings such as the Command Center, Propaganda Center, Weapon Research Center, etc.
vZH had already done this to a certain extent but very poorly with the very pixelated picture of Mao, slogans from the "Cold" War days, and some in Japanese?!
That is, certainly, an
Angloid moment.
With that, I say add MORE photos of the glorious leader in CHINESE and with the latest updated slogans.
Does that mean I'm getting rid of all the Mao-era aesthetics completely? Well, not exactly. Some posters are really cool looking compared to modern ones, so it would be a shame just to ditch them. That's why I'm keeping some while trying to update it to current and mechanic-based contexts.
Cool ass poster that would make a great cameo
PLA Command Center The same old PLA Command Center with shiny roofs, animated tarps, animated fancy factory door night light, posters, rounder fans, 3D doors, and even more clutter.
PLA Nuclear Reactor The same old PLA Nuclear Reactor with shiny roofs, rounder cooling tower stack, rounder green tanks, and connector between cooling unit - control unit, and non-alpha wires.
PLA Barracks The same old PLA Barracks with shiny roofs, 3D metallic roofs, animated tarps, animated factory door with fancy night light, animated fire pit light, rounder fans, and a shit ton of boxes.
Well, I guess that's it.