Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:31 pm Post subject:
Phobos Build 37 is ready for testing!
Subject description: Now with improved shields against bugs!
Aloha! Phobos has a new development version called Phobos Build 37 that is expecting feedback from testers. For your information, Phobos extends the modding features from Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge and, unlike Ares, is completely open-source. Here are the official words about Phobos Build 37:
Disclaimer: development builds are inherently unstable and may contain improvements that will be changed and adjusted before the stable release (as well as bugs), with fewer stability guarantees. Known issues
There is at least one cause of desynchronization error occurring in multiplayer games that is yet to be solved but is under investigation.
Loading a save game made when the map had at least one active radiation site might crash the game, possibly without an error message or log.
Auto-deploy/Deploy block on ammo change (by Fryone)
AltPalette lighting toggle (by Starkku)
Unhardcoded timer blinking color scheme (by Starkku)
Customizing shield self-healing timer restarts when the shield is damaged (by Starkku)
Customizing the minimum & maximum amount of damage the shield can take from a single hit (by Starkku)
Players can now be given ownership of preplaced buildings in Skirmish and Multiplayer in maps using houses of the format <Player @ X> where X goes from A to H for spawn positions 1-8 (by ZivDero)
AutoDeath.Technos(Dont)Exist can optionally track limboed (not physically on map, e.g., transports, etc.) technos (by Starkku)
Wall overlay Palette support (by Starkku)
Show designator & inhibitor range (by Morton)
Owner-only sound on unit creation (by Fryone)
Allow using Secondary weapon against walls if Primary cannot target them (by Starkku)
Reloading ammo in transports (by Starkku)
Dump variables to file on scenario end/hotkey (by Morton)
"House owns TechnoType" and "House doesn't own TechnoType" trigger events
Allow toggling Infantry/UnitsGainSelfHeal for MultiplayPassive=true houses (by Starkku)
Allow enabling application of Verses and PercentAtMax for negative damage (by Starkku)
Vanilla fixes:
Objects with Palette set now have their color tint adjusted accordingly by superweapons, map retint actions, etc. if they belong to a house using any color scheme instead of only those from the first half of [Colors] list (by Starkku)
Animations using AltPalette are now remapped to their owner's color scheme instead of the first listed color scheme and no longer draw over shroud (by Starkku)
Fixed DeployToFire not considering building placement rules for DeploysInto buildings and, as a result, not working properly with WaterBound buildings (by Starkku)
Fixed DeployToFire not recalculating firer's position on land if it cannot currently deploy (by Starkku)
Arcing=true projectile elevation inaccuracy can now be fixed by setting Arcing.AllowElevationInaccuracy=false (by Starkku)
EMPulseCannon=yes building weapons now respect Floater and Phobos-added Gravity setting (by Starkku)
Fixed position and layer of info tip and reveal production cameo on selected building (by Belonit)
Fixed TurretOffset to be supported for SHP vehicles (by TwinkleStar)
Phobos fixes:
Fixed vehicle deploy weapons not working if the unit is cloaked and the weapon has DecloakToFire=true (by NetsuNegi & Starkku)
Fixed IsAnimated terrain not updating correctly in all circumstances (by Starkku)
Fixed CreateUnit interaction with bridges (spawning under when shouldn't, etc) (by Starkku)
CanTarget now consider bridges as land like the game's normal weapon selection does (by Starkku)
AreaFire.Target now takes cells with bridges into consideration depending on the firer's elevation (by Starkku)
Fixed shield health bar having a different horizontal offset from regular health bar (by Starkku)
Fixed Interceptor not resetting target if the intercepted projectile changes type to non-interceptable one afterward (by Starkku)
Fixed PlacementPreview setting for BuildingTypes not being parsed from INI (by Starkku)
Fixed Phobos animation additions that support CreateUnit.Owner not also checking MakeInfantryOwner (by Starkku)
Fixed AutoDeath to consider all conditions for objects in limbo (by Starkku)
Shields will no longer take damage if the parent techno has Immune=true or has TypeImmune=true and the damage comes from an instance of the same TechnoType owned by the same house (by Starkku)
Fixed interceptors causing multiplayer games to desync (by Starkku)
Fixed a number of issues with Warhead Shield respawn / self-heal rate modifiers, like timers getting reset unnecessarily, the timer being adjusted wrong after the Warhead effect runs out, etc. (by Starkku)
Fixed a problem with disguise visibility logic that could cause the game to crash on loading a map (by Starkku)
Fixed owned LimboDelivery buildings not being saved correctly in savegames (by Starkku)
Fixed a typo in weapon selector code causing issues with NoAmmoWeapon and related checks (by Starkku)
Fixed building ammo pip offset being wrong (by Starkku)
Fixed additional sync logging not disabling correctly in singleplayer games (by Starkku)
Fixed a regression causing Crit.Warhead to not have an explicit target for detonation (by Starkku)
Digital display should no longer draw on top of the bottom command bar (by Starkku)
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