Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2023 9:36 pm Post subject:
auto repairs for buildings?
Greetings. Is it possible to make auto repairs for buildings in rules.ini? I know it possible in the map editor, but it needs to be like unit repair from a machine shop, only for buildings. QUICK_EDIT
Repair is needed exactly as in the machine shop, so that the repair is activated after the construction of a building or upgrade. The option with IQ and a repair field is not the same. QUICK_EDIT
There is no way of using a GainSelfHeal function for buildings per a simple tag, in the same way as that works for vehicles and infantry.
But as others have said, there are numerous other ways in which you can implement that a player's buildings globally gain self-heal when that player gains ownership of a certain structure. QUICK_EDIT
...there are numerous other ways in which you can implement that a player's buildings globally gain self-heal when that player gains ownership of a certain structure.
So that's what I'm asking! I'm interested in methods other than RepairSell=0 and the repair field. QUICK_EDIT
as far as i know its not possible in vanilla. since buildings dont have the same kind of coding for it at all, any solution for it would have to be jerry-rigged no matter
how you look at it.
not real familiar with ares or phobos, but a quick look at the documentation shows the phobos tag DetonateOnAllMapObjects which lets you fire a warhead on all
map objects that looks like it can be attached to a weapon which can be attached to an animation. so in theory you could make a looping building animation that
fires the weapon which heals all buildings, and control the healing rate with a mix of animation rate and weapon damage. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
I'm not sure what "the repair field" is, but like McPwny suggested, I'd use Phobos and the feature of detonating a warhead on all map objects, either via an animation, or via a weapon on the building itself (Phobos includes an auto-fire function for weapons), or as an auto-fire SW that does not show up in the UI.
All other possibilities would be more calculation-intense (using CellSpread, or custom radiation, or a one-use warhead that converts all buildings to versions of themselves that have SelfHeal, and possibly other methods), with no apparent benefit either to convencience of coding, nor to the intended effect. QUICK_EDIT
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