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Rise of the Reds Christmas update 2023
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Supreme Banshee

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 10:33 am    Post subject:  Rise of the Reds Christmas update 2023
Subject description: Santa is disitributing a new arsenal for everyone! All hail!
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Aloha! SWR Productions, the developers of Rise of The Reds, has recently posted some of the progress done with Rise of The Reds. For those unfamiliar with it, Rise of The Reds is a classic and popular modification for C&C Generals: Zero Hour that adds two completely new factions: the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defense-oriented European Continental Alliance. It also greatly expands the three original factions with several new units, buildings, powers, and abilities to explore and combine with your in-game tactics. Here is the official announcement from Rise of The Reds:

Once again, we are coming to you after a period of extended silence since our not-at-all-ironic April Fools update earlier this year. Rest assured, however, that silence does not mean a standstill, for we have spent these past months making steady progress toward the completion of Rise of the Reds Version 1.9. Many new in-game assets, as well as countless design changes, both subtle and dramatic, and numerous fixes based on tester feedback, have made it into the new version, some of which we would like to showcase to you now.

The devastating GLA attacks on China changed the People's Republic, its leadership, and society. Whilst the material damage of the nuclear attack in downtown Beijing was quickly mended, the flood damage caused by the destruction of Three Gorges Dam is still being repaired two decades later - to say nothing of the sheer human loss. After the war, many high-tech weapons developments for the People's Liberation Army were de-prioritized to concentrate the nation's resources on reconstruction.

Another consequence of the war was the enormous swelling of the PLA from just under 2.2 million active personnel to over 6.6 million to this day. Chinese military planners reckoned that an army that size could not be consistently equipped with modern weapons for the foreseeable future. On top of that, experience during the war had shown that high-tech systems, with their dependence on sensitive electronics, satellite guidance, and networking, proved extremely vulnerable under battlefield conditions involving aggressive use of electronic warfare and nuclear weapons.

Rugged, inexpensive hardware, particularly in aviation, became the focus of a new doctrine centered around cost-saving and counter-insurgency. This led to China acquiring large stocks of older aircraft from other countries throughout the world. One such aircraft was the MiG-23. Developed as a fighter-bomber for the Soviet Air Force, the "Flogger", as it is unflatteringly known in the West, holds the record of being the most produced sweep wing aircraft in history with just over 5.000. Although quickly phased out after the end of the Cold War, countries such as Syria, Ethiopia, Angola, and Cuba continued to use the aircraft well into the 21st century. The Chinese government accepted the "MiG Bomber" and other aircraft as partial payment in trade and debt reduction and, following thorough refurbishment, introduced it to the PLA Air Force, which would use it to deliver incendiary strikes in low-intensity conflicts.

The story of the Warden Drone is one of the rare quintessential American success stories to emerge during the post-war depression of the early 2030s. Three US Army veterans, bound by friendship from years of service during the War on Terror, started their own tech company. Their mission statement was to develop low-cost unmanned weapon systems informed by their own combat experience. With a risky investment of their personal fortunes and aggressive crowdfunding on an international scale, they developed the Wu Alvarez Renshaw Directed Energy Neutraliser, or WARDEN for short.

The Warden is a laser-armed air defense system specially designed to counter light aviation threats like UAVs, helicopters, and even low-flying aircraft. It was a weapon born of painful experience when US forces had been surprised many times by GLA-operated aircraft and commercial drones during the war. In addition, the Warden is equipped with launchers for special decoy flares that linger in mid-air to confuse enemy air defense systems.

The success of the Warden was largely thanks to international demand, as many countries that felt threatened by Russian and Chinese ambitions after the US withdrawal turned to any conceivable source for military hardware at a time when American politics focused inward. Soon, orders for Wardens from around the world overwhelmed the production capabilities of the young enterprise that operated out of a warehouse turned 3D printing assembly in Milwaukee.

As the economic crisis subsided and the US embarked to return onto the world stage, a leading drone manufacturer purchased the rights to the Warden and initiated mass production for allied countries and eventually the US military itself. The Warden became a key item in the new AI-heavy doctrine, acting as the innermost layer of air defense in every company, followed by the mid-ranged Avenger-L and the long-ranged Patriot, forming an impenetrable network against air attacks on US forces.

Introduced in 1974, the BTR-D "Grizon" is a lightweight, airdrop-capable personnel carrier designed specifically for the Soviet Airborne Troops. As such, it saw its first use in combat five years later, during the war in Afghanistan. Offering decent tactical mobility and basic protection for its crew and up to six passengers, it is a thoroughly average, undemanding vehicle that remained in service with Russia and other post-Soviet states well into the 21st century.

During the 2030s, changes in Russia's military doctrine led to the Airborne Troops taking on a dual role of air-deployed assault forces as well as a kind of rapid response "fire brigade" in assistance of the Ground Forces. As a result, Russian infantry can requisition delivery of a Grizon, typically by helicopter, directly to their location and Grizons pre-loaded with infantry can be deployed to Helipads.

Initially unarmed for rapid deployment, it has become a common practice for Russian forces to install ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft autocannons on top of their Grizons throughout the course of a battle, allowing the vehicles to provide fire support for friendly ground troops as well as threaten low-flying aircraft.

Developed by a Spanish-Portuguese consortium and exported to several militaries in Europe and beyond, the Battery Guidance Radar - or BAGUIRA as a commercial shorthand - is an advanced artillery fire control support system under the ECA's "Prepared Defences" doctrine. With its sophisticated multi-band radar, the array can detect objects and threats, including concealed ones, in a large area around it. Targets identified by the array can be automatically relayed to friendly artillery batteries situated outside the battlefield. Once linked into the ECA Battle Network system, moving vehicular targets can be engaged with missiles, all in all allowing the array to direct deadly accurate strikes in support of a defensive position. It should be noted, however that due to the technical complexity of the system, only a limited number of them can be allocated to any given sector at a time.

Recent reports from Central Africa indicate that the Global Liberation Army is expanding its capabilities in the air. A new type of aircraft in the organization's inventory has been observed making deliveries of Scorpion tanks and other equipment to GLA-controlled airfields in the region. The twin-engine transport bears a strong resemblance to the Fairchild C-119 "Flying Boxcar", although subtle differences identified by military analysts suggest that the airframes may have been newly constructed by the GLA itself. At present, the intelligence of the organization's industrial capabilities within its area of control remains sketchy, but if future findings were to confirm that the GLA can not only operate but also develop and produce aircraft of its own, the security implications for the African area of operations, and possibly beyond, would be significant.

Expect these and many yet-to-be-revealed items to be featured in ROTR Version 1.9. The SWR Productions team wishes all fans, players, and friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in good health and success in all your endeavors. Thank you all for your continued support and patience
The Hunter, signing off.

If you are curious about Rise of The Reds, visit the Official Website, Forums, ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel to obtain further information about it. And that's all regarding Rise of The Reds for now. Stay tuned at PPM for more news about Rise of The Reds!

Key Words: #News #Generals #ZeroHour #RiseOfTheReds 


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Defense Minister

Joined: 09 Feb 2015

PostPosted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 2:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

The Grizon is an interestingly topheavy BTR-ZD, and looks like the "array" is the ANTPQ-36 radar?


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