Hello everyone!
After 5 months, we've finished another milestone: Preview 6! It's been long 5 months, but the results are worth it.
Preview 6 contains several important features, that we've been implementing these past months:
- Research
- Water Base
- Building Crew
- UI overlay for MCU deployment
- ... and more!
Without further ado, here it is. We hope you'll enjoy it:
You can also watch
the video on Dalek.zone.
Dalek.zone is a PeerTube instance, which is maintained by Dave and Ben. Big thanks goes to these two guys!
Developer Diary: Implementing Water Base
One of the big features that we're showing in the Preview 6 video is Water Base. Since the implementation was rather tricky, but also interesting, we've decided to give it more attention and present it in more detail. Thus we're planning to release a Developer Diary dedicated to Water Base implementation very soon.
We hope you liked the new video. As for the near future, many of you have been asking, when you'll finally be able to play OpenE2140 yourselves. There are still lots of missing features, both smaller (like Miners disarming mines or building walls, HCU-M capturing disabled vehicles) and larger (resource harvesting, fully working AI, SP campaigns). While we could skip some (mainly smaller) features for first public releases, resource harvesting is an example of very important component of Earth 2140 (but also other C&C-like RTS games). And we don't want to release a public version of OpenE2140 without such important features working.
As such we'd like to ask you to be a little bit more patient.
In the meantime, we'd like to invite you to
our Discord server, where you can discuss with us and other fans. Occasionally, we post some interesting stuff there, so don't hesitate and join us!