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Consecutive but not simultaneous spawning for planes [SuperWeapon]
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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 02 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:13 pm    Post subject:  Consecutive but not simultaneous spawning for planes [SuperWeapon]
Subject description: Recreating Final Squadron from Red Alert 3
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I've been trying to recreate the Final Squadron from Red Alert 3 where a bunch of aircraft goes to a target and flies down to the to hit the target.
I'm trying to create a superweapon that will spawn aircraft but one by one instead of all at the same time.

The first iteration is the regular SpyPlane.Count=5 but the aircrafts spawn at the same time so when they reach the target they sort clump with each other.

The second iteration was to make a Type=UnitDelivery for the SW.Deferment since Type=Spyplane doesn't use SW.Deferment. The idea is to have Type=UnitDelivery in between each Type=Spyplane and use SW.Deferment=25 from Type=UnitDelivery to have Type=Spyplane appear consecutively.
This failed since SW.Next still fires first then the waiting only applies to Type=UnitDelivery.

The third iteration was to create a Type=GenericWarhead and have a first weapon that will fire and its warhead will have LaunchSW and use an animation that will fire another weapon that will launch the second Type=GenericWarhead until the 5th aircraft has spawned.
This also failed since it only launches the first weapon and not the one from the animation.

Lastly I tried applying LaunchSW to my Apocalypse's warhead and due to the Burst and Burst.Delays, the planes finally appeared consecutively!
I have a solution, that is to have a unit spawn from Type=UnitDelivery and have it attack 5 times and vanish after its ammo had depleted but I would prefer to have the planes spawn without using another unit to spawn them. That would be more useful since I could know how to launch other superweapons consecutively as well.

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Tiberian Beast

Joined: 17 Jul 2008

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 4:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Make the superweapon have a really short timer, say, 2 seconds. Once you're ready to launch the super, have the AI build the structure it's attached to Out of bounds, have a coundown timer, so if you want the super to fire 5 times, have it on an 11 second countdown, then destroy the super building. I'm pretty sure you can have the super building set to build once too, so the AI won't rebuild it afterwards.

MIdAS - Turning wages into beer since 2002

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 02 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 9:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

How is the superweapon going to work?

Make the superweapon have a really short timer, say, 2 seconds.

I'm guessing this is for the Final Squadron superweapon?

Once you're ready to launch the super, have the AI build the structure it's attached to Out of bounds

When does the AI build the structure? When I launched the superweapon or before?
It sounds like I have to activate a third superweapon then activate the first superweapon
(The superweapon that will have the actual countdown, i.e. 4 minutes)  to fire the second superweapon
(The Final Squadron, which is probably the one with 2 second timer).

Also, is the out-of-bound structure created from LimboDelivery?

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Tiberian Beast

Joined: 17 Jul 2008

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

AH! YOU want to activate the superweapon, which does the bombing run! right.

so you'll need a 1x1 building, to be delivered with a unit deliver superweapon, set it delivery super to SW.UseAITargeting= and it'll plonk it wherever.

on the delivered 1x1 building, give it a super with SW.Shots= for however many times you want it to fire, for each consecutive plane, and a low countdown times, SuperWeapons= can take a list now, so also give it a super that targets "self" and have that countdown to be longer than the total of the airstrike super, so if you have it on a 2 second countdown with 5 shots, make the self kill 15 seconds, and you should be fine. for added safety, make the building only buildable on water, and put the only water on the map out of bounds, or something like that, purely to kill the delivered building after the airstrike fires.

set the airstrike to target whatever it might be, if it's just the opponents base, that's easy, for certain buildings, you'll have to make them their own house, and set the airstrike to only target that house.

set the airstrike to auto fire, and also auto target, and it *should* work.

Not that I've tried this, and my way is probably clunky as ztype, but that's what I'd strat out with, then I'd start experimenting.

MIdAS - Turning wages into beer since 2002

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 02 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

That sounds like HunterSeeker. Where it would attack everywhere until it reach the enemy base.  

But you gave an idea. My idea was to just make a dedicated building to target anything I specify for it in Verses=.
So think of like a Grand Cannon but with a radar dish and you could click and make it "attack" a specific target.
The building would have a weapon with a warhead with LaunchSW=.
The superweapon in LaunchSW=  would have SW.Shots=5 and become available once I click the actual superweapon to use with the actual timer.

The problem is the superweapon in LaunchSW=, once available to the player, would let them do the shoot it manually through the sidebar since the cameo shows up.
I just need the cameo to not show up in the side bar. If you know how to, let me know.

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Tiberian Beast

Joined: 17 Jul 2008

PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2024 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

Ousagi wrote:
That sounds like HunterSeeker. Where it would attack everywhere until it reach the enemy base.

Nope, that's why you use Targetting options, depending on which building you want it to target, you can set a "Base Centre" and tell the SW to target that if worst comes to worst.

You can launch supers with map triggers too. that might be much easier than having a superweapon do all of it for you.

Ousagi wrote:

I just need the cameo to not show up in the side bar. If you know how to, let me know.


MIdAS - Turning wages into beer since 2002

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Cyborg Soldier

Joined: 02 Nov 2022

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 6:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote  Mark this post and the followings unread

MRMIdAS wrote:
Ousagi wrote:
That sounds like HunterSeeker. Where it would attack everywhere until it reach the enemy base.

Nope, that's why you use Targetting options, depending on which building you want it to target, you can set a "Base Centre" and tell the SW to target that if worst comes to worst.

You can launch supers with map triggers too. that might be much easier than having a superweapon do all of it for you.

Ousagi wrote:
I just need the cameo to not show up in the side bar. If you know how to, let me know.


I have a superweapon already that could target specific objects but the problem is still the cameo. SW.ShowCameo= only works if I have SW.AutoFire=no.
Are the only type of superweapon that can have their cameo toggled are superweapons with SW.AutoFire=no? Is there a workaround for other superweapons to not show their cameo?

Here's a video to show how my superweapon works
(Don't mind the prices I'll remove them later. I was just testing If it would use both of them.):

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