Good evening, Generals. How are we all this week?
We're good, thanks for asking. What? You didn't ask that? Did you ask for a ROTR update? Alright, I guess you've all earned it.
One of our goals in 1.9 is to try and make the Generals Power system a more dynamic and fluid one. We want to make each GP have some level of viability at all stages of the game and challenge the established 'must picks' by making some of the lesser valued GP's more desirable and important. This has led to some interesting experiments of moving tech and upgrades around the tech tree and advancing the release of some planned 2.0 content to help fill some of these holes. We want to make all the Generals Powers valuable in all matchups, so for unlock GP's like American 'Armoured Company', the decision has been made to expand the scope of the GP and spread its unlocks out over the entire tech tree.
Enter the American Bradley IFV.
Originally removed in 1.85, we are re-adding the beloved Bradley back into version 1.9 to fill in as the tier 0 unit option for the 'Armoured Company' GP. This means that the Bradley will be extremely different from its previous 1.802 incarnation, now getting much of its planned 2.0 functionality from the get-go.
Within this return, we also looked at whether there was more we could do with the Bradley to expand its usefulness beyond the tier 0 environment and keep it as a valuable and desirable choice as the game goes on. Thus, we have added 3 rather robust and varied kits to the unit that should keep it relevant and specialized over the entire game's length.
In 2021, against the backdrop of the War on Terror intensifying after the devastating GLA attacks on China, the United States Marine Corps phased out all of its tank battalions that had existed since the Second World War. One of the most outspoken critics of this was Jeremiah Bradley, the future commanding general of the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, who served as a battalion commander during the war. Foreseeing an inevitability of a future major war with China and Russia, Bradley insisted that the USMC would have to retain its own armored capability so as not to find itself outgunned in a conflict against tank-heavy adversaries with airspace denial and electronic warfare capabilities that would jeopardize America's ability to fight on its own preferred terms. During the 2030s, Bradley, who by then had become a general, used his political connections and popularity among the USMC community to lobby for the reconstitution of the Marine tank battalions, which were brought back to life with a mixture of Acolyte, Crusader, and Paladin tanks, alongside the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in a number of new mechanized infantry battalions. First introduced to the US Army in 1981 following a troubled development history and named after the non-related WW2 general Omar Bradley, the vehicle had been of no relevance to the USMC for decades due to its lack of amphibious capability. Under the new doctrine of the early 2040s, however, the Bradley, like its tank brethren, would be brought to shore via high-speed landing craft or Starlifter air transports. In its basic configuration, the Bradley is a multirole combat vehicle capable of transporting infantry, carrying out reconnaissance and detection duties by way of its advanced optics and sensors, and providing fire support with its 25mm autocannon. As with many other US vehicles, a number of field modifications exist.
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The first, most commonly seen variant of the Bradley complements the primary 25mm autocannon with a launch pod of TOW anti-tank missiles. The BGM-71 "Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided" missile has been a staple of American and allied forces since 1970. Somewhat of an anachronism in an age of advanced sensor- and AI-guided munitions due to its physical line of control, the TOW remains a favorite by virtue of its rugged reliability and decisive power. The latest version, with an improved tandem warhead, rocket motor, and guidance control system, provides the Bradley with a deadly, extended-range punch against even the heaviest tanks of the 2040s.
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Another variant of the Bradley replaces its common 25mm autocannon with a much more powerful 50mm gun, a variant of the one prominently featured on the heavy gunships of the US Aerospace Force. The larger caliber size allows the use of bigger, more advanced ammunition types, including a high-velocity kinetic sabot round and a programmable explosive round, either of which is automatically fed against the appropriate kind of target, in effect achieving greater damage per shot and area effect over the default cannon. In stark contrast to its deadly primary weapon, this variant of the Bradley can also discharge flashbang grenades for non-lethal suppression of crowds or high-value individuals.
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The third variant of the Bradley is designed for urban operations and counter-insurgency. It features fireports that allow passengers to use their weapons under armor protection, making it ideal for close-quarters combat in built-up areas. In addition, it has front-mounted rollers to safely detonate mines and roadside bombs away from the vehicle's hull, protecting its crew, passengers, and friendly forces following behind it.
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We will be going into more depth with some other Armoured Company inclusions soon, so stay tuned and keep your eyes on that article tab. In the meantime, however, we have an extra little treat coming your way.
This weekend
MaelstromX103 is hosting another exciting 1.9 livestream, so if you're excited to see the Bardley's (and any of our other new stuff), the details are below, and will be on the description of the stream's announcement image.
That's all we have for this week. We will see you all soon!
Till next time generals!