Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam) Joined: 15 Aug 2002 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:20 am Post subject:
Zero-K v1.12.6.0 - Likho's New Look
Subject description: This look is gonna be... a singularity bomb!
Zero-K v1.12.6.0 is the most recent release of Zero-K's staff. For those unaware of what is being written here, Zero-K is a free and open-source real-time strategy game that uses the Spring game engine. There is only one faction with 100+ varied units with unique abilities. It has physically simulated units and projectiles, and it allows terrain manipulation in battle. It has a single-player campaign, a challenging, non-cheating AI, multiplayer 1v1 - 16v16, FFA, and coop, and a multiplayer online campaign. Here are the official words about Zero-K v1.12.6.0:
Likho has a new model by brunocb, giving it a proper singularity bomb. This update also has many fixes and a few balance changes. Some of the fixes are due to an engine update, such as a decades-old bug that caused reverse-built units sometimes to try to slide off the map. On the balance front, Bulkhead now has a bit more range than Stinger, Duck is a bit better, and Disco Rave Party spins faster.
Duck is no longer the equal-slowest raider.
Speed 90 -> 93 elmo/s (no longer matches Bandit)
Missile range 235 -> 232 (matches Bandit)
Missile turn rate increased by 16%, so it reliably hits Dart.
Bulkhead is more sturdy and can safely shoot at Stinger.
Stays deployed while mid-air
Range 600 -> 640
Sight range 660 -> 700
Crab and Bulkhead can deploy mid-air.
Kodachi is killed in one fewer shots by Dagger.
Health 680 -> 660
Disco Rave Party has all its bearings replaced.
Base turn rate increased by 25%
Maximum fire rate increased by 6.7%
Spin-up rate increased by 18%
Increased minimum turn rate by 25%
Can turn without spinning down so far, as a result of the above.
Added new Likho model (thanks brunocb).
Added optional radar color in LOS and fog stripes under Settings/Interface/Map/Radar Color.
Added animation-stun to most striders. They no longer return to a neutral stance while stunned.
Guarding units can now be automatically set to a lower selection rank under Settings/Interface/Selection/Filtering (thanks, Amnykon).
Improved overdrive payback tooltip.
Added metal shared, energy excesses, and energy shared graphs.
Mods can now include their own modoptions files.
Reordering factory queues no longer forgets Alt-insert.
Cloaked units no longer try to shoot at unseen mexes.
Free-For-All games are now not counted for ranking immediately, rather than being discounted when the server restarts (thanks, Shaman)
Fixed rally points of factories with structures right in front of them.
Fixed overlob prevention vs. jumpjets.
Fixed a shadow bug caused by UI scaling.
Slowed Detriment can no longer be stolen by transports.
Fixed defense range circles for ballistic projectiles (thanks, Helwor).
Fixed Djinn deployment when told to stop while stopping.
Fixed being able to click twice to start a skirmish game.
Fixed reverse-built nanoframes sometimes sliding off the map (thanks, marcushutchings).
Fixed queuing dense line moves (recent engine bug, thanks, marcushutchings).
Fixed structure ground decals persisting after death (recent engine bug, thanks, marcushutchings).
Fixed an issue with action registering (thanks Helwor).
Made UnitLeftRadar more consistent (thanks Helwor).
Terraform construction can no longer catch fire.
East-facing morphs no longer result in West-facing units.
Fixed lingering noammo icon on wreck tooltips.
For further information about Zero-K, visit the Official Website, and Forums. Download Zero-K v1.12.6.0 Here. And that's all for now! Have fun and enjoy Zero-K!
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