Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2024 12:38 pm Post subject:
Merging mods/add ons?
Subject description: Merging mods/add ons?
How plausible/wanted would be to have mods being merged? For example different mods adding different units, or a mod just changing the campaign or adding maps or changing a warhead? _________________ Did you know that if you have 2 apples and you eat 3 you get an IE and all the universe explodes? QUICK_EDIT
You would have to manually copy and paste the mod's code together one part at a time and also make changes where needed to fix any overlapping etc. If you dont know exactly what each mod changes it could be quite difficult. _________________
I don't really understand the premise of this question, surely there aren't many equal and similar mods that are simultaneously good enough and lacking in complementary ways?
I'd suggest first of all, you need to be somewhat experienced in modding to even consider such a thing, but secondly, why not just add the content you like from other mods into your preferred one?
Like Mig says, under most circumstances, the content won't be compatible, and the side effects of changes will be unknown or complicated, but adding individual weapons or units one by one is probably easy. At that point you don't have to retain the names or any other traits like nation of the units you add, making it a lot easier to fit into a mod without conflict.
You'll also need to run ini checkers like my AICHECK to make sure you didn't screw anything up when adding content, and familiarity with all the other tools used for extracting content from other mods. All of which points to being at least a veteran of modding to some degree. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
if you really know what your are doing you could pull it off with a day or two of recompiling the mix files, re-writing the CSF file, and monkeying around
with the .ini files. if there is a campaign then you need to patch each of the maps manually. you will have to be familiar with both mods and many facets
of modding in general but its plenty doable. _________________ visit my moddb profile for .shp downloads and stuff QUICK_EDIT
First of all, mod owners wouldn't want their mods to be merged with any other. If the mods are dissimilar, you have to struggle to merge those. If mods have changed overlays and tiles, maps taken from one mod would crash the game if used in another mod.
Give an example which mods are you trying to merge. Don't say D-Day and Red Resurrection. QUICK_EDIT
I know there may be some incompatibilities; i didn't mean it manually but in a script or something.
I was asking whether it was wanted by someone else too and/or it was doable (with its limitations) for example to play the vanilla campaign with the units of mod X or the campaign of mod X with vanilla units or mod units from mod X in the campaign of mod Y using particle effects from mod Z _________________ Did you know that if you have 2 apples and you eat 3 you get an IE and all the universe explodes? QUICK_EDIT
Adding new units into a campaign (vanilla or a mod) would require editing each individual map/mission, changing the units on the map and all of the triggers and scripts. It would be just as much work as making a whole new campaign. _________________ Last edited by Mig Eater on Fri Aug 09, 2024 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
That was part of my question whether mod owners would want something like that; my original intention is to be able to play the vanilla campaign with the units of a particular mod or have a mod only change how a specific warhead behaves (assuming a probably wrong assumption that a mod uses that particular warhead) _________________ Did you know that if you have 2 apples and you eat 3 you get an IE and all the universe explodes? QUICK_EDIT
If that's all you wanted to do, this tutorial might be all you need. Simply base it off whatever mod you want, and try making the vanilla campaigns work with it.
Your chance of succeeding in this endeavor decreases with how big of a mod you are going with, but most simple mods with just additional units, AI changes or miscellaneous INI changes will be easy enough to get working. Things that typically break campaigns are additional countries, buildings, or removing things from the vanilla game. The tutorial helps with some of that, but mods can still break them.
Additionally, the campaign AI won't use the mod's custom units unless you add them to the individual mission maps, but the player will be able to use them once the prerequisites and tech level requirements are met. QUICK_EDIT
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