Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2024 4:26 pm Post subject:
Creating super weapon tutorial
Well, it feels so good to be among u guys again, words can't describe my happiness that I've finally returned to modding my beloved RA2, and also discussing it with u guys.
Alright, since I know the rules, the post must be not be off topic to this part of the forum, I just felt that I must express my feelings befor asking my question.
So, some of my old friends here knows that I was insistent on modding RA2 not the Yuri's Revenge sequel, but eventually I realised that its insane not to use the advantages of Ares in YR, and my start will be about adding super weapons, and I'm so clueless about it.
Basically I want to make air bombarding strike, more like the surgical strike of RA3.
any help guys!! QUICK_EDIT
For Ares superweapons you can check the documentation for help. For an airstrike you can modify a spyplane superweapon with the code SpyPlane.Mission=attack, which will make the spyplane use its weapon against the target instead of just revealing the shroud. _________________
For Ares superweapons you can check the documentation for help. For an airstrike you can modify a spyplane superweapon with the code SpyPlane.Mission=attack, which will make the spyplane use its weapon against the target instead of just revealing the shroud.
Wow, Mig Eater himself again
It has been so long man since the last time I've been here, the last time u replied to a post of mine was a criticism about that turret which I convrted to a cannon if u remember here in that link
Anyway thnx for the tip, tbh I'm still at loss about Ares documentation and if I must install the NPatch, I will give it a try and let u know if it worked. QUICK_EDIT
[quote=Mig Eater] You dont need NPatch for Ares to work, in fact Ares wont work if you have NPatch installed.[/quote]
Okay, everything went well, it turns out that u were right, I didn't need the NPatch.
Now after I've finally mimicked the RA3 surgical strike, then how to add the it as a super weapon to another side?
I mean for example Russia has the ability now to commit this strike with a kind of plane (Tu-22), then how to give the Allies the ability to do it too but wirh with their own plane (B-1) ?!
I copied the [SpyPlaneSpecial] section and renamed it to [Spyplane2], then as a test I added it as new super weapon to the Allies, and added the code Spyplane.type= B1, only Allies AI enemy can use against me while I can't!!
Whenever I click the superweapon icon and it says "select target", nothing happens, but I believe it worked once I'm not so sure, so what could be wrong? QUICK_EDIT
Here a screenshot for it, and please notice that the soviet version if this superweapon works very well for both AI and UI, only the Allies version works for the AI.
Which makes me wonder if we can't double the same superweapon for the same side but with another plane for a different purpose!!!
[quote=Mig Eater]Try replacing Action=SpyPlane with Cursor=SpyPlane[/quote]
Unfortunately it just keep reloading/recharging whenever I click the icon and there would be no ability to select a target to test it !!!
It is also worth noting that when I added the original SpyPlane superweapon to the Allies it worked for both AI and UI, so the problem isn't with the side, it's with the Spyplane copy and it's codes.
Can we evade that by tweaking the American house special ability (the paradrop) by making it more like the air strike effect like we did with the spy plane?
I wish to fix the spyplane copy actually and leave that para drop untouched unless it's impossible!! QUICK_EDIT
Are you launching RA2 with Ares correctly with the RunAres.bat file? If you have it should say Ares 3.0 in the bottom right of the main menu screen. _________________
Are you launching RA2 with Ares correctly with the RunAres.bat file? If you have it should say Ares 3.0 in the bottom right of the main menu screen.
Ares 3 ?
Guess this was the problem then, mine was 0.1
Anyway I downloaded the v 3.0 version and it worked finally, I literally can attach and copy spyplane ra3 air strike effect to many buildings now.
I'm looking for AI targeting methods, but I can't find the Ares or vanilla flags which would control what target AI will attack rather than randomly?!
I forgot how we were able to prioritise what AI's weatherstorm or Nuke targets it attacks!! QUICK_EDIT
I tried to read the tag's description carefully many times, and it turns out that
there are many tags and values to add which will help controlling what AI should attack.
But I'm thinking about targeting specific building type, like war factories, base
defences, airports and so on.
For example:
B1 and Tu22 as a super weapon would attack only weather storm device ,nuke silos and airports.
B2 and Tu160 and would attack only construction yards
B52 and Tu-95 would attack only power plants
That's my whole idea about converting the spyplane mission to airstrike mission, Is that doable? QUICK_EDIT
If you're hoping to limit SuperWeapon AI targeting to a specific list of TechnoTypes, I don't think that's within the capabilities of the AI's superweapon targeting logic at this time.
A shame, as that would be neat, but I'm sure it would be a handful of work. _________________ Formerly WoRmINaToR. I've created a new account to update to the name I've been using everywhere else for the last several years. QUICK_EDIT
That makes sense. SW.AITargeting only accepts a single value, so supplying multiple values likely causes the parsing to fail entirely. _________________ Formerly WoRmINaToR. I've created a new account to update to the name I've been using everywhere else for the last several years. QUICK_EDIT
I'm not adding or mixing many SW.AITARGETING values in one superweapon, its just like superweapon1 has SW.AITARGETING= x and superweapon2 has it's SW.AITARGETING = x , and so on, so the value are repeated but in different superweapons uniquely.
After all I I found out that every superweapon must use a value as it's unique and and not given to another superweapon QUICK_EDIT
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