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The time now is Wed Feb 05, 2025 4:45 am
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The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4 is out!
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Supreme Banshee

Also Known As: banshee_revora (Steam)
Joined: 15 Aug 2002
Location: Brazil

PostPosted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 3:59 am    Post subject:  The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4 is out!
Subject description: Better bots and better communication, but no Skynet yet.
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Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Happy New Year! I guess I took a very long sabbatical period from our news posting task, but I am back. And let's start the year with news from.... the last year.

There is a new version of The End of Days released under the name The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4. For those unaware of what is being written here, The End of Days is a mod for Command & Conquer: Generals Zero Hour. It adds Russia and the European Defense Alliance as new playable factions and improves the original three with new units, structures, and special powers! It strives to bring an authentic real-war feeling, with a few fictional additions for more fun and diverse gameplay & tactics! It also replaces Heroes with elite infantry, and Superweapons are mostly presented as mobile ICBM Launchers like Russia's Topol-M or China's DF-41. It also innovates with purchasable subfactions at your tech center instead of the original choice of "Generals" before battle, which allows you to change your strategy mid-game to counter your opponents! Each of the 4 factions has 3 completely different subfactions to choose from. Here are the changes and the fun stuff from The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4:

============================= CHANGE LOG =============================
- Seals can now plant a total of 10 bombs (2 before). The time between the planting of the bombs is increased from 0 seconds to 10 seconds reload for balance purposes
- All upgrades that were using build unit logic are now reworked, and the structure will hide the unit from the command bar once built and will delete this object from the game for better performance
- Helipad no longer spawns infantry after being destroyed
- Construction dozer armor greatly improved against Jet missiles. 2 T0 Jets will be needed to kill it. Dozers HP increased by 10%
- All Command Centers build time reduced from 50 sec to 30 sec
- All Command Centers HP increased from 5000 to 6000
- Units code optimization for better stability
- All ground vehicle's speed was lowered and balanced. Overall, 15-20% slower vehicles are still ~10% faster than ZH vehicle speed.
- Slight reduction of GLA infantry movement speed
- Abrams and Griffin tank machine gun damage was reduced by 22%. AOE of the bullet reduced by 50%, Rate of fire slowed by 33%
- Phoenix tank machine gun damage increased by 10%, but Rate of fire slowed by 220%
- Phoenix movement speed reduced by 15%
- Many small code improvements and fixes in order to improve game stability and reduce mismatch chances
- Fixed Chinese SAM upgrade for some sub-factions
- Another code improvement. Some problematic codes were found, and others were optimized.
- Invisible objects used by radars and heavy SAM were found unneeded and removed
- AI improvements for better army composition.
- Easy AI starting money reduced from 10k to 5K, and Medium AI money from 10K to 7.5K to make it slower and easier
- Fixed neutron mines that were not showing after the upgrade
- Scud Launcher can be built right after Palace
- The ECM tower now jams missiles constantly and no longer requires active ability. The downside is the frequency is increased from 333ms to 900ms
- Z9 Harbin ECM emitter frequency increased from 333ms to 900ms. Module upgrade increased from 600 to 900
- Z9 Harbin EMP bomb upgrade cost reduced from 900 to 600
- Toxin Tractor build time increased by 1.5 sec
- F-16 Cluster Munitions upgrade cost reduced from 3000 to 2000 and build time from 45 to 30 sec
- Rebel firing range increased by 4 %, Damage increased by 17%
- Red Guard Damage increased by 17%, HP reduced by 10%
- Tunnel Network Cost reduced from 900 to 800, build time reduced by 10%, HP increased from 630 to 700
- Remade AI: Our AI developer DayV remade the AI, making it more human-like and a bit weaker so you won't have such a struggle as before. This is not the final version and it will take more time to make it better, so this is like an open test of it.
- LAN Mismatch reduction is successful - In the last few days, we have very stable team games, 2v2 and 3v3, showing that our 6-month efforts to fix the mismatch issue are in a very good direction.
We still don't know if the issues are all fixed, but in the last 7 team games, only one was mismatched when a player surrendered to his teammate, and soon after, this player quits. This is a known ZH issue, and we hope it was a ZH mismatch. So, PvP games are officially more stable with fewer mismatches.

For further information about The End of Days, visit the ModDB Profile, Discord Channel, and YouTube Video Channel. Download The End Of Days 0.98.6 Patch 4. That's all, folks! Stay tuned at PPM for more news coverage on The End of Days!

Key Words: #News #Release #Generals #ZeroHour #TheEndOfDays 


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