general changes:
-1:Omega Team (old yuri) has it Superweapons replaced and added new ones
Great Shells Upgrade: this has been maded to use the potential of the grand cannon, it increase it range and damage with something more 25%!
Prerequisites: Allied Construction yard and grand cannon.
Omega team:
Laser Cannon Sattelite: This is the laser cannon, different to the soviet ion cannon, it is not soo potent and it beam is blue (the ion cannon is red) he is like a copy but he power is not better but still can destroy buildings easily!
RechargeTime: n/a (still haven't a building to have this SW)
Nuclear Missiles Strike: This will replace our last superweapon, the psychic dominator that was not have it fully potential and never will have, when this superweapon is recharged you can lauch anywhere in the battlefield, it will come 10 boomer missiles and will strike the selected area and will explodes spreading radiation everywhere!!!
Omega has getted this idea from a SW in the antartica, there was something writed GLA in it and was slots with missiles!
Recharge Time: Same as the laser cannon
Destroyer Droid: This is the new yuri unit, a droid, he shoot lasers and can atack Fligth units and ground too!
Cost: 400$
Good against: AA and AG units
Bad against: anti-infantry units
Laser tower Laser MKII : This upgrade maded by yuri makes the laser tower fire a super laser that increases it atack more than 100%, the laser tower that was anti-air and anti-ground is now a good oponent to everywhere!
Good Against: almost all kind of units
Bad Against: long range units and waves of enemys
Detail: it power can made a floating disk lose 50% of life in a hit and more than 90% in a yuri barracks!!!
Joined: 24 Oct 2008 Location: Wars World!!! Posts: -99999999
Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:12 pm Post subject:
Shadow Hunter wrote:
Javier wrote:
DaFool wrote:
Lunatic Moon, the Millionth edition
Ah thank you. I remember now.
Javier... you are joking isn't?
Are you saying that you created the map? _________________ Awesome banner made by m-.. I mean AltomareXD!
MY MOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!11!!1!!1111!!!11!!!1 QUICK_EDIT
Holy carp 7 it sucks votes, damm't you there that is voting!
You also have 7 great votes, and 14 average votes - I'd say that's a good result.
If you can code and map, and have some skills in voxelling, then this mod has some show of balance, enjoyable surroundings, and nice units. Just don't rush it.
And don't run with scissors. QUICK_EDIT
You also have 7 great votes, and 14 average votes - I'd say that's a good result.
If you can code and map, and have some skills in voxelling, then this mod has some show of balance, enjoyable surroundings, and nice units. Just don't rush it.
And don't run with scissors.
Detail: one of the votes it great is mine and one of the "it sucks" it is from chiel scape!
and i don't rushing, i add something like 2 units per week QUICK_EDIT
Okay, theses weeks i'm not having almost any news of the mod, sorry!
But i have a announcement, i'm trying to learn 3d moddeling, it is very dufficult, but i having a lot of progress, thanks to MT that helped me a lot!
Anyway,, i can't tell you nothing now, it's secret, but for now i'm making another voxel, he's a secret too and i can't tell now, sorry but i have a image of him!(50% completed) anyway, school lets me busy theses days too, soo progress will be even more slow(okay not that soo), soo enjoy the secret thing!
won't will discover.jpg
here it is, i won't will tell WTF is that even you discover, maybie later, enjoy! ^^
No, more is more. Every new game is just the same reiteration of the same 10 units. "Oh look, we got a basic tank, and anti air unit....and of course the ter 3 heavy unit!!11!!11!" And so the games are doomed to become repetitive of each other and people will get bored of them very easily. Throw in lots of stuff, and people will have alot of things to play with. _________________ Please, read the signature rules of the forum. QUICK_EDIT
Okay guys, it has been more than 2 months i haven't posted nothing, the reason is that i don't have much time because of the school and others things, anyway, i'm will replace all the public things with my own ones, but is quite difficult, i'm making then in blender, luckly MT give me much tips and i'm making, but i will need much time to finish all, soo you will see after each 2 months (a little to much XD ) some small news and that time i come with the NEW Omega SW that i'm testing as the boomer missiles failed >_< : it is the Black Fighter Missiles SW:
-Black Fighter Missiles
--Purpose: New SW based on new omega tech
---Weapon:Giant Missiles that contain a powerful radiation type!
----Description: You select the lauch area and will come 2 big black fighters that deploy a big missile, when he explodes he deploys a powerful radiation for some seconds!
-----Recharge Time: 10 mins
Anyway, what you guys think?...
And the radiation? it is better black, green or blue?
any tips for improve that?
Hello users, Well, I know i kinda "leaved Red Alert for almost 9 months, that was because i lost my interest for RA2, soo i leaved, but in thoses last days, i get a RA3 and start playing, and after seen much cool desings,etc... I'm get my motivation back!!! ^_^
In the begin of the mod, much guys asked about the story like:
"WTF??? Yuri and chrono Sphere... how???"
Soo, let me explain: "After the soviet ending, yuri goes to the past and gets eated by a T-rez, right? In the story (and even in yuri first missions) the last forces of yuri capture a time machine (their first mission), then they go to the past seconds before yuri gets eated and saves him, then they capture others bases lost in time and their time machines (yuri second mission) to go back to the present and restablish again the yuri terror!!!
Obs: This is just a part of the story, later i post the others things!
Anyways, i just forget i maked that yuri second mission, and i'm showing some in-games of it (isn't too much thing, but i think it will help. ^_^)
And, i promise i still will update this topic everytime i can (and even some secrets can be showed here soon)
Time Rescue 2.JPG
181.08 KB
8165 Time(s)
Time Rescue 1.JPG
anyways, this isn't the start, it like some seconds after kill the t-rez!!!
Why the hell would the goons establish a base in the Jurassic Era?! Maybe you should put dinos there for attacking. Anyway, are you a girl? _________________ ARSE (Ares) SUCKS!!! NP, HELL YESH!!! QUICK_EDIT
Why the hell would the goons establish a base in the Jurassic Era?! Maybe you should put dinos there for attacking. Anyway, are you a girl?
The yuri saviors, get some buildings to help (anyway, i think normal a building travel in time), the time machine can trasnfer itself, why not others too?
But, if you're just saying about the others bases lost in time, they just don't have enough power to go back (and others need to wait to recharge the time machine )
And.... no, i'm not a girl, i just love thoses anime girls :333333
That alternate palette for Yuri's sidebar is hideous. If Speeder is feeling nice maybe he'll let you use the one he's using in Mental Omega which is MUCH nicer. QUICK_EDIT
Definitly could use a touch up. The main problem that I see with your mod though is the amount of units, it wrecks gameplay to have 700,000 units with about only 50 different purposes, and that is an overshot if anything, and zillions of ways to combine them. The bottom line is, while every unit has a purpose, the more you have the less useful they all become. Add more countries for you third faction by the way; idealy, every faction should have the same amount of countries. QUICK_EDIT
Definitly could use a touch up. The main problem that I see with your mod though is the amount of units, it wrecks gameplay to have 700,000 units with about only 50 different purposes, and that is an overshot if anything, and zillions of ways to combine them. The bottom line is, while every unit has a purpose, the more you have the less useful they all become. Add more countries for you third faction by the way; idealy, every faction should have the same amount of countries.
But, but, i don't have soo much units and i think they all have different purposes.... they have don't? QUICK_EDIT
I don't know, really, some of the stuff is viable, the others, well odd and misplaced. Though, it is good to see mods that have new SP maps. QUICK_EDIT
Don't get on Allied General, arguments last a life time. Besides Croping out the pic will prevent this buttom scrollbar and saving as PNG will improve image quality. QUICK_EDIT
Well, about the png, i can do, as the size will as almost as the .jpeg and the quality will be better, and about crop the images, i do for somes images, others not, someones i need to show all battlefield!!! >_> QUICK_EDIT
Hey, well, i'm not making soo much things in thoses weeks (kinda, but not for the mod) and... well, thoses days i tried making some video captures, i have succesful finished one, but i needed to remove the sound (that was not in the same time as the video, soo i removed and splited the video in 3 parts showing the soviets power against the allieds, but.... the AI still not fully working as i need to fix somethings and also some bugs, but i finally upload then in youtube (after soo much time >_<) and i gonna announce they here soo you can take an look, and some of its features!
Anyways, in the descriptions it has the link to the others parts, soo if you find any bugs or ways to improve my video recordings, i would like you to post here or there!
Also, as soon as possible i gonna, post an list fully creding everyone!
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