Posted: Fri May 01, 2020 10:04 am Post subject:
Tiberian Sun: Forgotten Wars
Subject description: A post-Firestorm expansion for TS
Tiberian Sun: Forgotten Wars
Mere weeks have passed since the destruction of CABAL’s core in Libya, along with the mighty Core Defender - but peace has not returned to the world. GDI orbital networks have started picking up new CABAL processor signatures, matching that of the AI’s Libyan core, yet coming from more than two dozen new locations across the globe. At least three of the new core signatures have been traced back to ocean-bound locations in the Pacific, suggesting that the devious Nod AI has turned to floating naval bases in order to avoid GDI and Nod scrutiny on land - necessitating the deployment of both GDI and Nod naval detachments to combat this new waterborne threat.
Finally, in a twist of fate that would see Tratos spinning in his grave, a new charismatic mutant leader has arisen to lead the Forgotten - and she is hell-bent on having her vengeance on those that have crossed the Forgotten in the past…
New elements to TS:FW
1. New faction: Forgotten
- New playable faction for multiplayer
- Has a fully developed building/ infantry/ vehicles/ navy tech tree for combat
- Strengths: cheap infantry and buildings
- Weakness: expensive vehicles, limited air power
- Progress: 80%+
2. Updated faction: GDI
- Addition of a navy & naval base options
- Addition of more Hero and Commando units
- Progress: 60%
3. Updated faction: Nod
- Addition of a navy & naval base options
- Addition of more Hero and Commando units
- Progress: 60%
4. New faction: CABAL
- New playable faction for multiplayer
- Progress: <10%
Shot 03b - CABAL Cyber Dorm.gif
CABAL Cyber Dorm (WIP) - this faction is still in the very early stages of being mapped out and provided with art.
107.82 KB
6884 Time(s)
Shot 02b - Forgotten Base.gif
Forgotten base elements, low tech (WIP)
258.28 KB
6920 Time(s)
Shot 01b - Nod Navy.gif
Nod naval elements (WIP)
229.5 KB
6920 Time(s)
_________________ Adapt or die Last edited by Askhati on Fri May 01, 2020 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total QUICK_EDIT
Update: forgot to add the screenshot with the CABAL preview.
TAK02 wrote:
This is very shiny....
Wouldn't it have been better to make the Barricades into walls? Or is the TS wall limit 3?
TS allows walls to be laid down in straight strips of variable length - you place a 1x1 node, and then the second node you put down automatically links up with it depending on distance (same as RA2/ YR).
Difference being, for the Forgotten side, I did not want them to have this functionality in exactly the same manner. Thus they get the Barricades, which follow the style of the GDI/Nod Automatic gates: a 1x3 version, and a 3x1 version. The Barricades have several disadvantages and advantages over regular Concrete Walls:
- repairable (does not convert into an Overlay once placed)
- a 1x3 section of Barricade has more HP than a 1x3 segment of wall
- (idea WIP) can be armed with light weapons, or an turret upgrade
- can be C4'ed by infantry, since it is still a building
- cannot be used in smaller spaces, or to make nice-looking corners
In addition to the Barricades, the Forgotten also get the previously unused Sandbag Wall, which can then be used to close off areas which the 1x3x1 Barricades cannot fit into. The end result is a Forgotten base which does not look as clean and sleek as a GDI or Nod base, but instead follows their slap-dash, recycled, improvised aesthetic. _________________ Adapt or die QUICK_EDIT
- can be C4'ed by infantry, since it is still a building
Now, I don't know if this is supposed to be a feature or it's a restriction, but I'm pretty sure no amount of C4 will get rid of barricades made of junk completely; not without leaving some damage to the ground beneath.
Technical question: can a building's susceptibility to C4 be disabled in TS or is this an actual limitation?
Exley wrote:
why such opsession with naval units
Why not? TS lacks naval combat. Then again, if people wanted navies, they'd go look for RA1, RA2 and later and OpenRA mods, not TS.
I guess it is kinda odd... And unexpected... QUICK_EDIT
Technical question: can a building's susceptibility to C4 be disabled in TS or is this an actual limitation?
The C4 ability has always been "over-powered" in that regard, with its introduction on the Ghost Stalker (TS), and then subsequent use with Tanya and the Navy Seals (RA2) as well as Col. Burton (Generals) memory serving. Get the infantry to touch the building, and it's gone - whether it was a 1x1 turret or a 4x4 large complex. In TS at least, you still got terrain deformation from the C4 warhead (defined as HE), so some buildings would, upon being destroyed, actually leave a nice big crater behind. As far as I know, there is no way to make a building immune to C4 though.
As for navies in the Tiberium universe:
- they feature in subsequent games after TS
- everyone knows that realistically, sea travel is cheaper than air travel
- ...and in-universe, air travel doesn't work during ion storms, as the various Kodiak missions repeatedly showed us
- ...while a subterranean tunnel network is also not going to help you cross an ocean
So the "realistically" argument can go both ways. Why not just appreciate the fact that some people have a creative vision that is different from others, and let them be? _________________ Adapt or die QUICK_EDIT
Joined: 09 May 2011 Location: Approaching the Great Pyramid
Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 1:47 am Post subject:
err no, i'm not telling him what to do...
as my 1st post was "why such obsession with naval"
since description said it is continuation of "story"...
and then on list i saw both gdi and nod to have naval
kinda "meh"
(to me) naval more fitted into tib-dawn, as it was that early stage of military
ts is futuristic, well unless you aim for RA3 kinda stuff, but even that didn't make sense _________________
Well this argument can go both ways. The resources required to build a navy are orders of magnitude greater than setting up a factory here or there to make parts, so their exclusion from a post-civilizational war is fairly logical.
That said, there are practical reasons to have it and others to have none. Consider that large warships were often used as shore pounders for landing troops on a beachhead, destroying defenses that would otherwise negate such a risky move, however on the open sea, they are a massive target for ranged firepower. Losing crew and massive investment being sunk can be a greater blow than extra casualties among the solders and the loss of more tanks.
So what good is a navy in a world where bases are mobile, and low investment? Unless you want to go the floating city route, like the naval equivalent of a forward outpost, they're more suited to defensive roles like ant-air, or as floating watchtowers.
One way to resolve this is to make naval units really expensive, so they mirror this dichotomy. Let the player decide, if they are rich enough, whether to waste money on ships. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Keep in mind, navies are no longer the monolithic things that they were in the 1940s. Iran, North Korea and China (ignoring the ideological links there) are all examples of what can be done with low cost and a low tech base: swarms of MTBs, shallow-water submarines, cheap submersible drones, etc etc.
Add to that the fantasy "handwavium" element of the universe, which says that anything goes it the authors/ creators want it there, and well... you can justify anything
Agreed on the cost aspect IF your naval units are massively overpowered compared to land units - a cruiser that can level a base from outside Artillery/ Juggernaut ranges should obviously be priced in the thousands, if not ten thousands price range for balancing purposes. On the other hand, cheap drones, MTBs and gunboats (a staple of GDI's naval lore) could be in the 1,000 - 2,000 range if their staying power is roughly equivalent to a similiarly-priced land unit. _________________ Adapt or die QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 2:45 pm Post subject:
Friday update - 8 May 2020
Current focus:
- completing the buildup anims for the Forgotten buildings
Side focus:
- developing the CABAL tech tree
In the pictures: CABAL
The first screenshot shows a new CABAL vehicle, the EMP Crawler (a.k.a. EMP Assault Gun, or Scrambler Tank). The EMP Crawler is designed to work in tandem with the CABAL Engineer equivalent - the Tech Assimilator. The Tech Assimilator combines the building-capturing abilities of the classic Engineer with the vehicle-capturing abilities of the Mutant Hijacker, so if you get the Tech Assimilator close enough to any enemy position, it will take over anything it can reach.
The EMP Crawler boosts the functionality of the Tech Assimilator by firing a laser-focused EMP blast at enemy vehicles, temporarily disabling that vehicle in the same way as the blast from an EMP cannon. However, unlike the wide blast range of the larger EMP cannons, the EMP Crawler will do highly localised EMP damage only, knocking out the target vehicle and any other vehicle touching it. This makes it great for immobilising clumped-up enemy vehicle formations, but once those enemy vehicles spread out, the EMP Crawler can target - and affect - only one at a time. The EMP effect is also rather short, and is only 1 second longer than the reloading time of the EMP laser. This means that an EMP Crawler can fire at an enemy vehicle and immobilise it - but the moment it switches targets, the first vehicle will have power restored.
So the tactical use of the EMP Crawler is rather simple: pick one enemy unit, and continuously fire upon it to immobilise it, then send in infantry or Tech Assimilators to either destroy or capture the immobilised vehicle.
Note: given the high cost of a EMP Crawler ($1,800) versus the typically much lower cost of main combat vehicles like the Tick Tank, Titan walker, and the Bulldog Tank (Forgotten), it is easy to flood an EMP Crawler with attacking units and overwhelm its ability to immobilise vehicles. They work best when supported by infantry and base defenses, although their medium range still makes them vulnerable to artillery.
In the pictures: Forgotten
Here we see a basic Forgotten naval base starting to take shape. The main base is built around the Mutant Naval Base, which starts out as a vehicle built from the Forgotten Vehicle Factory and then moves over water to deploy into the Naval Base.
Once deployed, the Forgotten commander will gain access to the following:
- Gun Cutter (light surface unit, faster than GDI Gunboat but less HP)
- Orca Colossus (massive hover transport that can carry 10x infantry units)
- Artillery Hulk (fires a volley of inaccurate HE shells to bombard land units, and dual flak guns for AAA)
- Generator Platform (a naval power plant that gives the same power output as a Nod Advanced Power Plant = 200P)
This immediately allows the Forgotten commander to establish a naval presence around their base, as well as being able to land troops on other islands and land areas. Once the first Generator Platform is built, the commander will also gain access to the Coastal Defence Gun structure, which fires a high-velocity, low-trajectory anti-armour shell to protect the base from both land and sea attackers.
On land, the naval base is protected by a Heavy Artillery Gun (working title - alternative is Long Tom Artillery) which can outrange any Nod or GDI vehicular artillery, at the expense of a cumbersome rate-of-turn and low rate of fire. To make up for this, an Observation Post provides a small radius of stealth detection to the watching infantry, while cloaked Landmines wait to detonate once an enemy unit should rush into range.
Quick question regarding the barricades: do projectiles go through when attacking targets behind them?
Attacker [Barricade/obstacle] Target
usually results in the shots going through the obstacle without damaging it.
Are all these buildings CnP? _________________ One and only developer of the Command & Conquer Dune "C&C D" mod.
m7 wrote:
I tend to release things I create so that assets are never lost to hard drive problems, accidental deletion, or me having to pretend to care about rippers taking things from my project when it is done.
Projectiles go through, yes, unfortunately! They are coded as buildings, so they don't stop projectiles (but let me go and test that just to be sure). They are intended more to stop enemy ground movement, and restrict access, than as actual "protection" to the rest of the units in the base.
As for my buildings: yes, all cut & paste from existing TS structures. This is why my buildups are taking so long to complete... XD _________________ Adapt or die QUICK_EDIT
Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:05 am Post subject:
Thursday teaser - 2020.05.14
A quick preview of a voxel I tinkered with last night.
In the pictures: Orca Destroyer
Built on a Orca Transport chassis, the Orca Destroyer (working title) is a throwback to the days of the 20th century when large bomber fleets darkened the skies above cities, and rained indiscriminate death down on the innocent and the guilty alike. With two large bomb chutes replacing the cargo compartments of the Orca Transport, and with two forward-swept wings added - each with another lifter turbine - the Orca Destroyer is a colossal beast compared to the smaller Orca Bomber, and needs a special, larger airbase to operate from.
In action, the Destroyer carries double the payload of the Bomber, and heavy armour - at the expense of a lower speed and much higher price tag. This makes them less than ideal for striking at moving targets, and much better suited for penetrating deep into enemy AAA networks to deliver their payloads.
Mod note: Still undecided about using this as a GDI or Forgotten unit, although I am favouring the Forgotten at present. Fluff-wise, the Destroyer could be seen as the predecessor to the Bomber, and was phased out of service - much like the Mammoth Tank - when the newer model entered GDI use. This aligns with the Forgotten tech tree generally using only GDI tech that is one step behind what GDI currently uses.
Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 9:51 am Post subject:
Thursday update - 2020.05.28
A small update for CABAL.
In the pictures: Scarab Collectors & Skyjack
Unlike the GDI, Nod, and to a lesser degree Forgotten, approach to harvesting, which involves fleets of slow, heavily armoured crawlers, CABAL has analysed years and years of data from Nod harvesting operations, and has come up with what it believes to be a superior alternative: the Scarab Collector.
Small, fast, and only 1/3 the cost of a traditional harvester, the Scarab can also carry only 25% the load of a regular harvester - pretty miniscule on its own. However, what the Scarab lacks in capacity it makes up in speed and swarming, with 3-4 of these being able to collect and deliver tiberium much faster than a regular harvester. Additionally, being a hover vehicle, it can roam far and wide across even water features, and can take shorter routes than land-based crawlers. It is recommended to maintain a 3:1 or even 4:1 ratio of Scarabs to refineries, with this ratio becoming higher once longer travel distances must be covered.
The Skyjack, seen here, is CABAL's answer to Nod's Harpy and GDI's Orca Fighter. Built around a heavily modified Harpy airframe, the Skyjack benefits from the installation of two heavy VTOL pods for increased speed, allowing it to almost match the Orca Fighter when deploying into combat. A much larger cockpit section now contains the drone intelligence which operates the craft, and also allows the carrying of two anti-infantry lasers slung beneath the larger fuselage. In this regard, the Skyjack is a marvel of energy efficiency: using Nod laser technology and advanced CABAL research, the Skyjack does not need to land to reload its laser batteries, but may instead keep operating indefinitely. This technology comes with a hefty price tag though, putting Skyjack costs in the same region as that of Orca Bombers.
The shadowed bottom-right sides of your buildings need to be darker, use your voxels for reference to how much. You can even make test voxels that are just cubes of various colours, so you can align them in the four main directions and see the brightness change left to right. _________________ QUICK_EDIT
Will have a look at that, thanks for pointing it out. Any particular building where it is very obvious to you...? _________________ Adapt or die QUICK_EDIT
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